#KeepItInTheLoop2 min read | 30m ShowMake the Most of Your BandAs a worship leader, do you have trouble keeping the band tight? Are there times when you wish you could supplement the sound of your band to include some parts that you don’t have? Using click tracks and loops in worship is a great way to add creativity to your band and fill in those missing gaps.Don’t worry about what you don’t have, work with what you do have. No matter what, your team depends on tools they can use to makeSEE DETAILS

“Make Your Band Sound Huge!” (Show #137) | 9-26-17
September 20, 2017#KeepItInTheLoop2 min read | 30m ShowMake the Most of Your BandAs a worship leader, do you have trouble keeping the band tight? Are there times when y...

Ten Clues For Making Better Lyric Projection
July 28, 2017#ScreenYourWords4 min readLead Worship Visually Whether by old school or new Lyric Based-Software Programs, we’ve come a long way since the days of th...

Effective Audio 4 Worship (Show #127) 6-20-17
June 20, 2017#Audio4Worship2 min read | 30m ShowEffective Teams = Effective WorshipFor the #WorshipLeader having effective sound helps engage the team for musical ...
#KeepItInTheLoop2 min read | 30m ShowMake the Most of Your BandAs a worship leader, do you have trouble keeping the band tight? Ar...
#ScreenYourWords4 min readLead Worship Visually Whether by old school or new Lyric Based-Software Programs, we’ve come a long way ...
#Audio4Worship2 min read | 30m ShowEffective Teams = Effective WorshipFor the #WorshipLeader having effective sound helps engage t...
#LoopsInWorship 4 min read | 30m ShowAre you sure of your band?As a worship leader, you want to make sure your band sounds the bes...
#ChurchSound3 min read | 30m VideoThe Delicate DanceWhat is the sound like in your church? Worship Leaders and Audio Engineers str...
#ThePowerOfTheVoice (Video Below)2.5 min readThe Voice of the Vocal TeamAs singers and worship leaders, we want to give our best. ...
#WorshipThroughTechnology4 min readProclaim 2.0 ????? By Branon Dempsey of Worship Team Training You have plenty of things to do. ...
#NotAboutYou (Video Below) You may not realize it, but your complaints in the church, can really make you a highly effective worsh...
#PlanningWorship (Video Below) When we plan for worship, we are planning more than just songs. In praying for the Holy Spirit to m...
#Audio4One (Video Below)As sound engineers, we are tasked with the job of creating space for all the sound coming off of the platf...
#GodsWill #GiftGiver Talent and skill are important but they are not at the center of our worship. God wants us to perfect our gif...
#WorshipPlanning (2 Videos Below) + PCO Tutorial Combo Post on Song Planning by the Heart and Chart + Brief Tutorial on Planning C...
Mighty MIDI for Live Performance MIDI controllers have been around for a while, but sometimes worship leaders may not use them due...
#KnowSound (Video Below) The sound engineer is a vital member for making the worship music go without distractions. Hearing the sc...
Five Monitor Settings To Engage With Your Band To A Better Mix“Watch Your Tone With Me Young Man!!” These were famous ...
What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) The majority of worship services across our country are projecting lyrics on a screen. Whet...
Leaders, Tech, Worship Leading
#ScreenYourWords4 min readLead Worship Visually Whether by old school or new Lyric Based-Software Programs, we’ve come a long way since the days of the overhead, hymnal and scroll. I remember replacing those damaged transparencies and markers weekly. Some may remember being damaged by working in a transparency shop! But unlike the days of old, you may not be surprised of what hasn’t changed: human error. How we prepare and manage our lyrics on display can either make or break a worship service and/or moment. Rather than learning what to select orSEE DETAILS
Audio, Tech, WTTU Special Public Post
#Audio4Worship2 min read | 30m ShowEffective Teams = Effective WorshipFor the #WorshipLeader having effective sound helps engage the team for musical unity. For the #AudioEngineer producing effective audio engages the church for the unity of worship.1 Cor. 2.21 says: “The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”This Biblical truth is no different from the effectiveness of getting the best in your team, to achieve the best result for the church.Learn what it means to make effectiveSEE DETAILS
Audio, Leaders, Tech, Worship Leading, WTTU Special Public Post
#LoopsInWorship 4 min read | 30m ShowAre you sure of your band?As a worship leader, you want to make sure your band sounds the best. You’re never going to do it, until you push yourself to learn. It’s not beyond your grasp, in fact, creativity is right there at your fingertips, we will show you how… These parts, your skills, your team is the target to help you excel in music to help your church worship. If you are tired of the same-ole-same-ole, then listen up! Let’s face it, you needSEE DETAILS
Audio, Leaders, Tech, Worship Leading, WTTU Special Public Post
#ChurchSound3 min read | 30m VideoThe Delicate DanceWhat is the sound like in your church? Worship Leaders and Audio Engineers struggle to find the right mix to benefit everyone. But when it comes to leading worship, sound and relationships, can we all get on the same page? True worship techs put the needs of others above their own. WATCH SHOW #112 [ctt template=”10″ link=”V1hmx” via=”no” ]True worship techs put the needs of others above their own.[/ctt] Who’s the Expert?Every church member is an audio expert. Therefore, it is difficult toSEE DETAILS
Gary’s EVENT-Article (TITLE) M-DD-YY | (NEW 8-20-21)
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MATT’s EVENT-Article (TITLE) M-DD-YY | (NEW 5-15-20)
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