Choir, Leaders, Singers, Vocal Team, Voice, Worship Leading

Your Vocals Are Missing These Five Things (Show #79)

#Multiplied (Video Below)

3 min read

Vocals Multiplied

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to singing? As vocalists and worship leaders, we desire to have great voices to sing. There’s nothing more engaging than a great voice to lead the church through music. But what happens when your voice run out of steam, and where does it leave your heart?

Songs are only as good as the singers and musicians that lead them. When your voice begins to erode, it disengages people and disconnects the time of worship. Many worship leaders and singers struggle to find the magic bullet to help the longevity of their voices. The search high and low, but never find the answers and walk away frustrated.

Does this happen to you? But did you know there are five essential that come first? In fact, they are so powerful, they out weigh every other technique to improve your voice. What are they?  



1.  Focus: What’s your identity? Regardless if you are on the platform or not, you are still a worshiper and a leader. God’s called you to minister to all and to guide his people in praise. Importantly, He’s called you to Himself (Isa. 43.1). Aside from being on the worship team, there is more to your identity than what you realize.

When I first began worship ministry, I firmly believed that my first calling was to be a worship leader. But as I was graded upon every week and searched for deeper significance, I realized that my identity was not fully resting on Christ Himself. I was simply clinging to the title; I was looking at the wrong title. Instead, I needed to see my true identity.  

2.  It’s not about when you sing, but to Whom you sing Serving on the worship team brings a sense of service, joy and even belonging. There’s nothing like singing/playing with your team when all the worship and music connects. It can be a powerful moment as it also reinforces the feelings of purpose.

But where’s your sense of connectedness in the times when you’re not leading worship or not on the week’s team rotation? In those times when you feeling undeserving about your position on the team, or uneasy when you’re not on the platform, be reminded of your identity of who you are in Christ and not in what you do for Christ. God works his ministry through you to impact other people.

You are worth to God, and he has enlisted you to serve not based on your own merit, but by His grace.

“God wants all your heart, not half.” @BranonDempsey

3. Live what you sing Do you look at the words you sing? I mean, really look, pray and be still over the words? What do they say to you, and how can you say/sing them back to God? No matter if you are in the action of leading worship, or taking part in worship among the church, you are an instrument of His grace.

Do you know that the way you worship through the words and engage others as you sing have a direct impact and relationship together? Love this quote from Jack Hayford: “The inevitable fruit of vital worship will be a transformed people who become transforming instruments of God’s grace and deliverance to the world.” Jesus said: “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:24) Next time, don’t just look at the words as notes to sing, but words to sing as a means of prayer and praise.  

4. Singing is not just for Sunday Mornings Your job or service is not reserved for one day of the week, but everyday that you live and breathe. The sound of your voice is also your story in song. It speaks of thankfulness to God, and also declares what God has done for HIs people. Our Christ-like attitudes serve as a pathway to help usher people into worship.

Aside from your position on the team, your service in the church, your talent unto God, your identity is first found in Christ.

It’s up to each of us to seek out and follow His will, as Proverbs 3 indicates, He will direct our paths. When we do, we can be comforted of His presence and mindful that each of us are an instrument of his grace. Your voice matters to God, but your heart comes first.

5. Before you sing it starts with the heart Know this vocalists, worship leader and worshiper, you are His kid first. Just as a child looks to his earthly father for provision, we look to our heavenly Father for eternal dependency. When we tap into our identity in Christ, allowing this to absorb the fiber of our very being, God renews our minds, transforms our senses and shapes our will (Rom12.2).

As we are changed, our desires change and our priorities change. Even if you are not leading this weekend, you are not placed aside. If you are leading this weekend, you are not placed above others. Your heart is what matters to God, not your position. The truth is, when we put self and our ambitions ahead of Christ, we stand on another foundation that will suffer loss (1 Cor. 3.10-13).

How do you stop placing your identity in what you do, but rather in who you are?
What gets in the way of seeing yourself in the same way how God sees you?
What weaknesses are in your ministry that can be strengthened?

We can help. @BranonDempsey @worshiptt  

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