Leaders, Ministry Leadership, Worship Leading, Worship Theology

Don’t Lead Worship, Be in Worship (Show #48)

7-20-16#ClosenessOfGod (Video Below)

4 min read

What if there is more than just leading worship?

Does it exist? Some find that being a worship leader is not enough. What if there is something more than leading/being in a ministry? Often times we find ourselves chasing an endless goal. Where does it go from here, and far do you have to go to get there?

We find ourselves in a quandary of “what’s next.” Maybe, the real quandary is dealing with the here and now. If you didn’t have to climb that next stepping stone, would you be satisfied in what God already has for you?

We all want something from God, but not everything we want is what He desires for us. What if just “being” is what God really wants from you: life-growing and being in His worship?

Theme of the week: 

God isn’t looking for workers, He’s looking for worshipers

Your identity is not being a worship leader, musician or singer. Your identity is being in Christ and being found in His worship. Many of us in ministry consider our titles as part of what we do, but it doesn’t say the identity of who we are. Personally, I have known pastors and worship leaders that have served faithfully for many years.

Unfortunately, their entire lives were wrapped around the weekly one hour event. Instead of living and giving authentic worship, they were only giving great work and a great service. In the end, their life of worship, fulfillment and joy was spent.

Paul tells us: your life is hidden in God Col3.3 and you were also bought at a price 1Cor6.20 God is not as interested in the work that we do for Him or others; rather, He is more interested in what we give to Him, which is our bodies as living sacrifices Rom12.1.

Often, this is my encouragement to every worship leader and team – for more, look here into our WeekendWorkshops.  

Authentic worship begins with authentic living

Life and worship begin with God. Because He, by His nature to love us, invites us to offer ourselves to Him in worship. Those in the church think that worship only revolves around the service. They forget that worship revolves around daily life.

Even for us as leaders, we need to acknowledge by a heart’s response that worship belongs to God. The service belongs to God. You are who and everything God has made you to be to lead. Worship is a response from the heart; as the Body, it is a time in which we also commune with the Lord as His people. What better way is there than to celebrate the Lord together.

Leading worship is just as simple in heart and in spirit as you are in God’s living room among the family. Don’t get caught up in the technical. Keep your head up and out of the negatives. Make your music excellent to God, but keeping the heart of God first. This is what makes our worship, music and songs beautiful.

He loves us as we are, and desires nothing more than for honest hearts to approach His throne. In the noise of our world and business of our lives, how do we stop, listen and know He is with us? Though it’s true of the Biblical references of Ps66:18 and Js4:8 tells us that God will hear us with a contrite spirit as we draw near to Him; sometimes we need to be reminded that God is not removed from our daily and worship life.

He is closer than what we realize. We are often caught by surprise when God is standing in our midst, even in times when we may not recognize His every move. As a worship leader and/or worship team member, how do you see this being revealed in your life?

“It’s not about doing, it’s about being…in His worship” @BranonDempsey

Great Worship?

Maybe you, like me have heard the statement about a worship service: “we need great worship for the Holy Spirit to show up.” However, there are two realities already at work. First, God is Omni present. The same is true in our daily lives – He is already here waiting for us to worship Him. As we read in #Genesis (and throughout the Scriptures), God created all things, walked with man, talked with man, rendered judgment of sin, extended life to humankind, persistently called mankind into His presence and continually draws all people unto Himself until the Day of His Return.

In each of these scenarios, we witness God through the Scriptures and in human life, consistently finding man and not vice-versa. Secondly, God is not looking for great worship, but rather great worshipers who worship Him in spirit and in truth Jn4:23. As Hebrews13:8 declares, “Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever.” It’s good to know that God is with us both in our daily gardens and in the fields of yesterday and tomorrow. His presence inhabits our souls and is reflected in our worship.

He desires our praise and acts of worship; as we surrender ourselves as living sacrifices. Fellowship and worship is what He desires. It’s comforting to know that He is closer than even our own breath. With all of our lives, may every breath praise the Lord. #Psalm150:6 [tweetthis]He is with us in every fiber of our being and every moment of worship.[/tweetthis]

Leading is more than the people in front of you

Its about the relationships among you. Minister and be ministered to as He made you right to lead your church in worship. Believe in the worship of God and believe in your abilities He’s given you to lead your family.

Facilitating the worship service may be our job, but it’s not our life, nor an extension of who we are, nor of any significance of what we do. We are reminded in #Phil3.7: “But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.”

Worship is a response

It is a response to Who God is and how He has revealed Himself in Scripture, the Holy Spirit, the Gospel and His works. Worship is life, an authentic encounter with the living God. I’d like to share with you a word of encouragement that a dear pastor shared with me: “don’t worry about leading worship, just be in worship.”

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt  


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