Leaders, Ministry Leadership, Worship Leading

When He Walks Into The Room (Show #89)

10-9-16#WhenYouWalkInTheRoom (Video Below)

4 min read

Is there one way to worship?

Everybody has their own opinion on how worship should be done in their church. Some leaders find it a weekly struggle to help their people worship. Unfortunately, the church seems frozen and worship seems to be lifeless. But if Jesus were to walk into the room to lead worship, how would we respond?

Worship and music in the church is one big preset button – don’t mess with it! Everyone has their own style and label for how worship should sound, look and feel. The major problem is that all those labels are posted on that one big button. In the Bible, we don’t see any preset buttons, playlists, or even a model of how New Testament worship should be. What we do have is Jesus Himself, teaching us how to pray and helping us learn to walk in the Holy Spirit. So what changes when He walks in the room?  


Theme This Week:
Our focus and song study will feature: Plumb and her cover song of “When You Walk Into The Room” Music and Words by  Bryan Torwalt and Katie Torwalt © 2013 Capitol CMG Genesis | Jesus Culture Music. 

Get the Full Track of Music Loops and Stems on GuideTracks.co  #WhenYouWalkInTheRoom 

The Unchanging God Changes Everything

The human heart has always been at war with change. We were born in sin, and the resistance in our stubborn ways is strong. The reality of man allowing God to change a heart of stone to a heart of flesh has always been a struggle. However, for those who believe in the unchanging love of God, find beauty in Jesus who is able to change everything. For the Church, some do not find change easy. This truth is as old as Israel escaping the slavery of Egypt and the New Testament still in bondage with traditions of men.

Both problems seen in the Bible, made it a challenge for people to freely worship God. People wanted to God to do great things, yet they also wanted their own way in going back to the way things were. For example, when Jesus came and stood among the disciples after His resurrection, all of were overjoyed in His presence. You would think that everyone who heard that Jesus appeared, it would be a no-brainer to believe. But this wasn’t the case for Thomas, he had to see and touch Jesus first before he could believe (John 20.19-25). It’s funny how the Lord at certain times, grant what we want.

For Thomas’ case, he had that chance face to face with Jesus. He was challenged to place his finger in the nail prints of Jesus. He was also encouraged to reach out his hand to put into His side (John 20.27). Once he was able to touch Him, then he believed that He was Lord and God (v.28). Jesus is gentle and with Thomas, yet gives us all a reminder: blessed, are those who have not seen, yet believed (v.29). How long will it take the Church to truly say: “My Lord and my God”?  

People will know you by your love for them. Period. 

They will not learn your songs. They will not listen to your music. The Church wants to hear the melody of your care and relationship with them, as God uses you to make music. What are you doing to allow Him to use you freely and to speak openly through you? Each day as we spend time with the Father, we become more transparent. We are able to reach deeper into the Holy Spirit, as He reaches deeper into us.

We become less of ourselves and more of the likeness of Jesus. He is the One who changes us. When we are vulnerable for God to change us from the inside out, we are able to reflect that transformation to the world. We point to the glory of what God has done. We share this back out to those we walk among and point to His faithfulness.

Relationships go past the stage and beyond the music. Leading worship is truly about leading relationships through Christ. If you want your church to sing and worship, then you need to be with them – knowing them. It’s more important to know your Church first, than for them to know a song, then the music comes to life.

“Your life is what makes music to God” @BranonDempsey

Let Christ do the changing

If your life is open daily to the Holy Spirit, then people can see and hear Him through you. Where does this leave us? Out of the way. Let us fix the gaze of our soul upon the Lord. His voice speaks to every heart, He sings to our souls. May we lead worship in a new way of stepping into Him daily. When you gear up for the next service, let your aim be of Christ. It begins in how you walk daily, not how you walk on stage. The love of the Lord will be evidently seen as you walk humbly and love mercy.

This is what leads worship and this is what also needs to lift you up. Remember, the worship is not about you, it’s about God using you for His glory. Pray for the changing work of God to begin in you. Let Jesus walk through the room of your heart as He alone changes everything. Lead your church in worship, as God leads you.

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt  

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