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Making Big Sounds Simple (Show #88)

#BrokenVessels (Video Below)

4 min read

Going Beyond the Song
When a worship team prepares a song, the song itself is just the beginning. The lyrics are at the core of a song, followed by the music. Beyond that, there is so much more a worship team can do with a song to make it come alive.

It’s all about learning how to make the BIG simple. Some of the additional musical things to consider include dynamics, phrasing, and the arrangement.

In addition to the musical aspects, it’s important to remember that a song is really a prayer, and it’s important to relate the lyrics and the music to the ultimate goal of worship. “It’s more than making music, it’s making melody to prayers.” @BranonDempsey


Song Tutorial of the Week: “Broken Vessels”
“Broken Vessels” written by Joel Houston and Jonas Myrin.

Copyright 2014 Hillsong Music Publishing. 

Get the Full Track of Music Loops and Stems on Guide g-broken-vessels-amazing-grace Keeping Things Fresh

The Hillsong United song “Broken Vessels” has great potential for the local church. From the familiar words of the old hymn, to the singable melody and the simple chords structure. This song works with a large band or a piano/guitar duo. The song is totally doable.

Today we are looking at arrangement ideas, dynamics and the importance of tying those ideas to the lyrics. Ways you can make an old song new and a new song you. There are many ways to approach worship songs. We should keep that in mind every time we do a song. When a song is done exactly the same every time, it can become boring to the church.  

Breaking Down a Song

Here are some specific things you might want to think about when arranging this song and principles for songs in general: Don’t feel like you need to make an exact duplicate of the song. If we approach the song willing to “make it our own” it can mean more to the church.

The song becomes more “personal”. Is there a way to approach the songs with the “store bought” loops and tracks with your own creativity? Using the content from GuideTracks listed above including the loops and stems can be a great resource for your band. Some people avoid loops because they think that it can make it sound produced and impersonal, but there are plenty of ways to both use loops and also make it your own song and arrangement.

There are tools out there to allow you to change the tempo and key of the loop. You can also play the song through according to the loop, and then have an extended ending to the song, after the loop, where you have the freedom to repeat the chorus, or add any other elements to the song.

Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.” Psalm 33:3 Another key consideration is dynamics – are there “natural” places in the song that should have dynamic changes? “Broken Vessels” starts quiet and simplicity. That is a great choice. From there the band sounds like it wants to get louder, but it really doesn’t get much louder. As the team looks at the lyrics and chord changes,  intentionally add dynamics.

When is the worship team going to get louder or softer. “Broken Vessels” is the perfect song to let the lyrics be your guide with dynamics. Having the verse quite makes sense, because the lyrics are intimate and personal. A long and steady build in the pre-chorus will announce you are going somewhere powerful.

The chorus is the perfect place for this song to open up, however look at the last line, “Raising up the broken to life.” The perfect time to break it down. On “broken” hold the chord and let the vocals take us down to the chorus.

Sing to the Lord a new songsing to the Lord, all the earth.” Psalm 96:1

Putting it All Together

The challenge is to change the song a little bit every time it’s played. How can the song be made fresh and new for the church? Eventually the band will settle into and arrangement, but it is still good to change it up ever once in awhile.

Not everyone is a songwriter, but anyone can make an old song new again.  

@jeffcrandall @worshiptt  

How can the worship change in your church? How can your band and vocals be more equipped and united in leading worship? We can help! Invite Branon Dempsey of Worship Team Training to give your team a custom WeekendWorkshop by Live In-Person or Live Video Coaching that comes to you!

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