Band, Leaders, Players, Worship Leading, Worship Planning

8 Simple Rules for Better Worship Leading (Show #15)

5-11-16_2#LeadingIsBeingLed (Video Below)

Leading worship is not to be taken for granted nor to be overrated. There are many things we can do to improve our leading. How can we be better first led in worship, to help the church as we lead worship? There is a huge can of worms for answers on this question. From appearance, speech, style and age, we all have our agreements and disagreements on the topic.

But what does the Bible say? However, when a worship leader leaves the stage feeling either deflated by negative comments or puffed-up by pride, our focus can shift from the Lord to unfavorable distractions. So what makes a good Worship Leader or a band? Let’s go back to the Scriptures for the bullet points.  

1. Be a Worshiper 1st, Musician 2nd:
“We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but he is ready to hear those who worship him and do his will.” -John9.31 To know God is to worship Him, to worship God is to know Him. As we learn to know Him, we also become more and more like His Son. Our reflection of Christ is found in the “will” of what we do as a response through daily obedience, which leads to God honoring worship.  

2. Be a Humble Servant:
“A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.” -Matt.10.24 Serving one another through submitting to one another is the demonstration of humility and teamwork. Even in the disagreements, we can agree to disagree, knowing that our ultimate goal is serving Christ through worship. John Wooden said, “anyone can make it to the top, it’s character that keeps you there.”  

3. Be a Listener:
“He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you, and more will be given to you who hear.” -Mark4.24 As God gave us the ability to listen, musically speaking, we should measure our own effectiveness to Christ and against ourselves and others. By listening to our sound we can hone in on creating good musical dialogue. When we learn to listen to each other relationally, we create music by making melody in our hearts.  

4. Engage and Trim the Fat:
“Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.” -Ecc.5.2 For worship leaders, we need to speak less and lead more. Yes, we are to use our words, but they need to be chosen carefully and wisely. [ctt template=”10″ link=”fs9rb” via=”no” ]Our effectiveness as leaders (musician or singer) comes from knowing how to engage the church – not entertaining the church.[/ctt]  

5. Pick Simple Songs to Sing:
“I will sing of your love and justice; to you, LORD, I will sing praise.” -Ps.101.1 First, this description of song in worship is as simple as it can get. Songs that are pure and honest of His love – simple – not complicated. Second, the songs are directed to God – not self. Third, the writer says, that he will sing praise – praise to the Author of praise and the finisher of our faith. This formula can be easily recognized by the worshiper. These are songs that are as simple as Scripture. Let the Church sing.  

6. Be A Music Builder:
“to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up.” -Eph.4.12 Also, do not neglect the gift God gave you for your own personal/professional growth – nurture your craft just as God desires you to help others.  

7. Don’t B-Rate your leading:
“But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” -1Sam.15.7 [ctt template=”10″ link=”35rF6″ via=”no” ]It’s not a performance, it’s worship. God does not keep score.[/ctt]  

8. Learn New Things:
“Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.” -Prov.23.12 Learning from books and other forms of reading material is great. However, there is nothing like having an experienced Obi-wan, to take you by the side and manually show you how to better work your instrument and/or voice. I am grateful for all my teachers to take their time, experience and care to invest into my development.

At our WTT WeekendWorkshops and Mentoring, we craft hands-on training to uniquely look like you and your team. We take you from start to finish with the leading of your team, to help you go to the next level. [ctt template=”10″ link=”3hMa7″ via=”no” ]The greatest legacy you can give your team is not a collection of songs, but a reservoir of training, education and resources.[/ctt]  
Be a life-builder into your team and be a life learner in how God has gifted you.

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