
Word of the Week: Basics | 10-28-18 – Video Version!

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Word of the Week: “Basics”

Word of the Week: 
1 forming an essential foundation or starting point; fundamental: certain basic rules must be obeyed | the laying down of arms is basic to the agreement.
offering or consisting in the minimum required without elaboration or luxury; simplest or lowest in level: the food was good, if a bit basic | basic and unsophisticated resorts.
common to or required by everyone; primary and ineradicable or inalienable: basic human rights.
Definition: this woodworking class is recommended for those who already know the basics: fundamentals, essentials, rudiments, (first) principles, foundations, preliminaries, groundwork; essence, basis, core; informal nitty-gritty, brass tacks, nuts and bolts, meat and potatoes, bread and butter, ABCs.
Scripture of the Week:
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…” John 1.1-3

Word of the Week Video

Question of the Week?
How do you get back to the basics?
I don’t know about you, but increasingly every day there is not only new technology, but the new pressures and stress of keeping up. What do I do with this new app on my phone that I will never use in 6 months? Why is there another phone update now? What must I do to keep these notifications from going off every second? Why is the phone ringing? Going to voice mail.
It’s all around us. Advancement. Trends. Change. Not that it’s all bad, but not that it’s all good. But how do these things really effect you? Do you think you really need them or not?
The other day I purchased a product and thought it was the best thing on earth! Only to find out that it required more time to learn about it. More time to make the accommodations in my day to learn it. Yes, it had all the fascination of bells and whistles. And as cool as it was, it still just sat there in the corner after a week!!
It’s funny. The very thing you wish you had a week ago, now is yours; but what do you do with it?
Have we become either way to desynthetize to technology, that we really don’t care any more; or are we just too busy to sit down and just enjoy it or even the simple things of life?
Maybe our prayers need not to be for God to give us what we want, but to help us enjoy what we have?
How does this relate to our walk, worship-relationship with God? How does this relate to our ministries and leading of worship? Plenty
Our Worship Team Training University Members KNOW ….. 
It’s not about what we have, but how we use what we already have.
“You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God.” James 4.2
Maybe we need to be asking God about helping us return to simple, a call to come back to the basics.
We read earlier in John 1.1-3, in the beginning…was the Word… Can this be any simpler?
Over the past month and a half, I have pulled back away from almost everything. You may have noticed a change in WTT and WTT University, or in our socials and posts. My team and I took a step back from the content pushing. 
Personally, I even went as far as deleting my Facebook Account (Aghhhhhhhhh!!!) “I can’t believe he would do such a thing!”
Well… Why not? I realized we were moving too much and too fast. I don’t want to prepare my steps just to hit a wall. So it’s time to come back, sit down and dial down.
Come Back (to the Light)
Psalm 119.130 says: “The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. The
teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand.”
Light is simple. It’s basic. The basic understanding of light is that without it, all things are dark.
As in our lives with Christ, without Him, all is dark. He fills our room with light, supplies our homes and lives with brightness. 
Why should we contend with the dark? Why should we be so quick of the allure in the world of things that appear shiner and maybe brighter?
He is our Light, our guide, our comfort. In Whom there is no darkness. There is no fear. There is no uncertainty. There is no pain. There is no mistake. And best of all, there is no condemnation.
Sit Down
When was the last time that you really wrapped yourself up into God’s Word? I don’t mean having a great time in Bible Study in your Sunday or Mid-Week group. I don’t even mean times during a sermon or special. I mean, the time you spend alone with Jesus, when it’s just you and Him.
Sitting at God’s feet is the most simplest, yet hardest thing us humans can do. Why? We have trouble staying still. We have a hard time just letting things be. We don’t like to be the last person in line. 
However, when we take the lowliest seat, Christ lifts us up and says: “Come up here” Where is that? I find it’s in the lap of our Father, who holds us close as like a child. It can’t get any simpler.
Dial Down
Turn off the distractions. Cut down on the apps, downloading, streaming, updating, whatever.
Take this simple invitation up by the Lord which says: Prov 9.4: “Let all who are simple come to my house!”
Come to the House of God. That’s right, He’s right there at your door. He’s made his place right in your room. He’s prepared a place for you to go and pray right in front of your bed. He is truly found in the secret place. In His treasuries, in the secret of the Most High God, we find His beauty, wonder, awesomeness, but also refuge, peace and healing.
Come back to the Basics. The basics of God, Scripture, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. See what difference He makes, when you truly hear Him speak/sing songs of deliverance over the noise of this world. Be calm as the seas that Jesus spoke to and said: “Peace…be still.”
When we come back to the basics of God, we also come back to the basics of ourselves – once again, finding our true need of God, and finding His true place in our lives. So come back.
Reflection & Further Questions:
Scripture – how present am I in His word?
Relationships – have they been cut-off because I’m too busy?
Going deeper – how is God calling me and how can I get there?
Focus – Jesus, help me to see with your eyes, not of my own – but to see myself in the way you love me.
Relationship Ministry – how can I restore those relationships by living out the basics?
Closing Prayer:
Dear God, help me to become simple, in the way that allows your light to illuminate my darkness. Help me to let go of the things I am holding so tightly, that I may be held by You instead. Shape me to be of your making – to be complete – whole and healed. Thank you, in Jesus Name.

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt @WorshipTTU

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