Ministry Leadership, Podcasts / Devotionals, Worship Leading, Worship Theology

Worship Not War


2 min read

What is IT about?

It seems that the Worship Wars have shifted. It’s not so much about a war of music style of worship, as it is a war over the heart for worship. It’s hard to believe, but battles in the Church have continued since the initial writings of Paul’s letter to the Colossians.

In this period of the Church, free-thinking philosophy, dietary restrictions, fascination of angels and new religious trends were becoming problematic. Paul wrote them to help strengthen those who were struggling from these empty and deceptive practices. These Christians were battling their own wars of the church that depended on human tradition rather depending on the supremacy of Christ #Col2.8.  

Worship is Neither Traditional nor Contemporary

This is a topic recently addressed to a church at one of our WeekendWorkshops. Why would we need anything else in addition to give us a fulfilled experience of worship? This is why Paul says to “let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another…as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God,” #Col3.16. Paul argued that because of Christ, we have no need for man to relate to God through legalistic church rituals and/or the worship of angels. This scenario is parallel to the statements that we hear today regarding worship.

Ever heard of these remarks: “worship is not worship unless I hold a hymnal and hear the organ,” or “I can’t worship unless it’s with a guitar,” also, “we need to be more contemporary in order to worship better,” and how about the famous, “it’s not the Word of God unless its read from the King James.” These examples were similar to the very point that Paul was trying to make to the Colossian church. In order to grow closer to God, or to experience a deeper sense of worship, we do not need ritualistic devices or methods. We do not need selections to worship, but rather sincerity in our worship to God.

Christ is our High Priest #Heb4.14-15 who has gone before us; He alone is able to lead us to experience God more deeply. #Colossians3 tells us that we are God’s special people, chosen by Him, holy and dearly beloved, who desires to clothe us in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

His word, like a lamp, leads our hearts and minds, while His Spirit, like pure water, refreshes our souls in guiding our praise/prayer/confession unto God. Statements like: “Wow! The congregation sure was singing out today!” and “Wasn’t it wonderful hearing everyone sing that song?” These thoughts and accolades can certainly make you feel worthy of the proverbial pat on the back, but can you truly say that everyone in your congregation was participating in the act of worship?  

Worship is a Response

When our Lord spoke with the woman at the well, Jesus defined specifically what kind of person our Heavenly Father is seeking in worship. “Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” #John4:23-24.

That sounds like God is looking for something far more than just people singing out loud on a Sunday morning. He seeking those who call and sing to Him with a pure heart – daily.  

What’s the Real War?

First, realize that worship begins with God. Second, worship is also your response (Rom 12.1). Your spiritual life must be something that goes beyond your time spent in Sunday church. Worship begins in your personal life, and your relationship with God. It begins in the Garden.

If there is a disconnect from your personal life and your spiritual well being, then you are living a life that is not fully satisfied in the grace of God; and you are living a life in which you are not fully satisfied with all the Lord could have for you. It’s much like walking through the garden and ignoring all the beauty in which God created.

So the question comes personally to you: “Are you, really worshiping … or are you just going through the motions?” The real war going on is the battle for the heart and soul. The first worship war started when Satan tried to elevate himself over God. It continued through the Garden and is still with us today. So it’s not really about the music as it is about the spiritual. Which side do you choose?

Questions to Consider: If there was no music, no flashy sermon – His word alone – could you still worship? What difference would it make in your worship to God, to grow in the word daily? How could this liberate you into a new sense of worship that the Father is seeking? @BranonDempsey  @worshiptt

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