Leaders, Singers, Vocal Team, Worship Leading

Worship Doesn’t Depend On You


God calls us to lead worship and focus on Him; but do you ever find yourself thinking more about those who engage, or not engage in worship? The worship service is to help facilitate praise – not to become the object of our praise.

The ideal worship service needs to be of heaven, not something fabricated here on earth. Why would we want to spend our time struggling to find the perfect image of worship on earth, when our actual worship belongs to God in Heaven? (1Cor. 10.5) There is a balance we must maintain. We lead those that are in the fold, and help others who need encouragement.

“Who is singing, who is not singing?” This question is one of the most upfront concerns for worship leaders and teams. People may fold their arms, frown or drown, but what do you do as a leader?  

First, take a step back:
I was once at a point which seemed of no return. Sunday morning I was having a difficult time leading worship. It seemed like eyes were staring and bodies were glaring. There were a few people in the room that looked unhappy. I had to look at myself to ask, was it something I was doing logistically in my leading or in the music?

You gotta learn to make the necessary adjustments on the fly: music volume, vocal clarity, drum and guitar dynamics, etc.  

Second, take a gander:
Worship is not all about the music, but more about the heart. Along with the help of the senior pastor, worship is not truly led if the leadership is not present. Worship is not all about the people. If a few are having trouble with the music style, you cannot help this. Preferential issues need to be solved outside the service, not during the worship.

Leading worship is not a performance. [ctt template=”10″ link=”BAbxf” via=”no” ]We are not here to entertain preferences, but we are here to help people focus their hearts on praise.[/ctt] Be reminded of what Scripture says in moments like these: “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,” #‎Col3.23  

Third, step back in:
Join in the singing with the saints. Bring along those who maybe drifting. Make eye contact with a smile. Don’t completely close your eyes and check out. Your job as a leader is to connect and engage, not to lose yourself in an esoteric worship cloud. Don’t hide behind the mike or stand, get out front and be open, transparent with folks. More importantly, keep your heart and head in the Lord’s hands. The service does not depend on you; the service and worship is for God.

Seek first His wisdom as Solomon asked: Give me wisdom and knowledge, that I may lead this people…” #‎2Chron1.10 and from #‎2Tim1.7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” Lead from Scripture, be filled with the Spirit and do all things unto the Lord.

Seek first the Kingdom of God, not the worship of man. Before you know it, the ones who worship, will do so in Spirit and in Truth. Keep the leading of people in mind as you worship God. It’s not a session to check out. I’ve seen many worship teams have a great experience on stage, but in the congregation, it’s a different song.

[ctt template=”10″ link=”Dc00I” via=”no” ]Your people want to connect with God. They need you to help them; they are not there for a concert or performance.[/ctt] Therefore, lead them into the presence of God and enjoy Him together (Psalm 102.22) Your pastor and leadership, the buck literally stops with them. If they are not worshiping, then how can leading worship be of any effect when our leaders are not leading? The blame is not the worship band, nor the worship leader.

These are only servants that are entrusted with a ministry to lead. However, if there is no leader actively leading them – no vision – the people perish. The senior pastor’s job is not to be the lead musician, they are to be the lead shepherd. We serve a God of substance, not of style.

God is no more interested in an electric guitar than He is of a pipe organ. He desires a heart of mercy, rather than a sacrifice of the setlist. If someone is not moved by the Spirit to worship, then there is a heart issue that goes way beyond what the music can fix.

May our worship and obedience be determined by Christ and by His word. As a team, may the privilege and duty to Biblically lead his people bring glory and honor to the Father. Worship does not depend on you or another person, it belongs to God as our worship is for God.

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;” – Psalm 95.6


@BranonDempsey @worshiptt Worship Team Training Workshops @worshiptt Branon Dempsey http://www.worshipteamtraining.com/workshops/Worship Team Training® Is your worship team stuck? Want worship leading to be better? Want to be free? We can take you there. Inspire, create and transform the leading of worship. Get a WeekendWorkshop Copyright 2017 Worship Team Training®