Singers, Vocal Team, Voice

Vocalizing Is A Must (Show #91)

Worship Team Training #WorshipTeamTraining #TheGreatnessOfOurGod (2 Videos Below)

3 min read

Vocal Exercise 

When is the last time you really stretched out your muscles before a workout? Maybe the question should be when was the last time your worked out? For some of you who are very disciplined, the answer might be this morning, or every day! For others, that might be the goal, but reality is not so kind.

Well, here is some good news – singing, in one sense, is a form of exercise! When you sing, you use specific muscles in your body, over and over again. With physical exercise, not stretching or warming up before a big workout can actually do damage to your body. Singing is exactly the same way, and these stretching exercises are called vocal warm-ups, or vocalizing.

Here are some tips on how to properly warm up your voice for singing written by one of our vocal mentors here at Worship Team Training, Lara Marriott. [tweetthis]Warm up your voice before exercising it.[/tweetthis]  

WATCH SHOW (Vocal Tutorial / Part 2) #91!


WATCH SHOW (Article Post / Part 1) #91!

Song Tutorial of the Week: “The Greatness Of Our God”
“The Greatness of Our God” written by Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, and Stuart Garrard.

Copyright 2010 Hillsong Music Publishing, So Essential Tunes, Spirit Nashville Three, and Studio Music Publishing. 

Get the Full Track of Music Loops and Stems on Guide  

Getting Rid of the Junk

Lara says: You are never too old or too experienced to exercise your voice correctly and frequently.  We’ve got to invest in our vocal instrument on a regular basis or there is the likelihood of harming it.  When I was a young adult, I didn’t have the same issues and life situations as I do now that I am older. 

I now wake up with phlegm (I know that is gross) in my throat everyday. I am exhausted from waking up at 6am that I feel like I cannot function without my coffee; been there?  I am constantly talking to my kids, on the phone, to my husband, to God and rarely do I make time to vocalize for 20 minutes and warm up my voice correctly.  These life issues can really take a toll on our voices if we are not careful.

Phlegm causes us to feel like we need to constantly clear our throat.  Clearing our throat with a cough creates irritation on the vocal chords, making our throats feel raw and sore. Not getting enough sleep effects the body’s entire function which leads most adults to drink coffee.  However, coffee dries out the throat and makes us more dehydrated. Talking a lot each day, especially if we allow our voices to sound more “throaty” can diminish our vocal range and create strain and fatigue.

Take A Little Time Each Day

Lara says: On top of all that, as a female worship leader, most songs are keyed in my lower register which means I don’t exercise the rest of my vocal range.  These bad habits have led to more tightness, strain, scratchy throat, and a weak diaphragm.

Most people would never be this sensitive to the inward workings of their vocal mechanics, but as worship leaders whose main instrument is our voice, we need to still set aside time daily to keep our voices in tip top condition.

So I charge you and myself with the challenge of setting aside 20 mins each day to work on breathing, posture, and vocal exercises for this next month.  I know we can do this!  However, sitting in the car as we drive does not count as good quality warm up time, or even in the shower.  We need to stand up straight, go slowly through our warm ups and isolate the places that need the most attention.

“Your voice is an instrument of God’s praise.” @BranonDempsey

Get Connected

Lara says: If you have no idea where to begin, please know that I am here to answer any questions you might have.  I also am a mentor for Worship Team Training and would love to coach you to a healthier place with your voice.  Keep me posted on your progress.  I am positive you will be happy with the results.  

@LaraMarriot @BranonDempsey @worshiptt  

Worship Team Training Mentoring @worshiptt Branon Dempsey up with Lara today: Before you take your team to the next level, you need to be there yourself. Are you ready to step-up your leadership to better develop your ministry and equip your team? Let us help you discover where God is leading you, so you can lead others. Learn what God can do through you in our Mentoring Program.

Copyright 2016 Worship Team Training®