Leaders, Singers, Vocal Team, Voice, Worship Leading

303 Critical Voice Error (Show #54)

#Jesus #TeachUsToSing (Watch Video)

2.5 min read

Don’t Disengage Worship

Ever busy in your work, knee deep in doing what your doing; and all of the sudden your computer screen freezes?

As singers, worship leaders and musicians alike, freezing-up on stage is just as common. You want to better engage your church as you lead worship, but how can you fend off the nervous ticks?  

Wish it was that simple

Just turning off and on the computer again should do it. Maybe…but what about the worship service? You can’t shut that down, restart and hope the singing will still be there. You would be surprised to learn that almost every singer in each worship team I speak with struggles with this same problem.

They encounter the mishaps and don’t know what to do. It’s a lot of pressure to put someone on stage before people number one. Combine that with varying weaknesses and musical abilities, and it could be one gigantic blue screen of death. If you are a Mac user, this will be your endless spinning beach ball.  

Don’t Just Stand There…De-Freeze

We use to play this game growing up, but it’s not so fun when doing music. Either a wrong word is displayed, a wrong note/chord is produced, or even worse, the memory goes blank and the singers freeze. Here are some things you can do to defrost the stage fright.

Number one, if you are a singer, remind yourself that it’s not you leading the service – it’s the Lord. It’s for His glory. When we have a greater perspective of Who’s in charge, we gain a greater sense of pressure that’s released.

Number two, MEMORIZE your music. Yes, you hear this time and time again, so when will you put this into practice? When you know the lyrics, you don’t have to think about the lyrics. You sing them. Number three, practice your lyrics. The better you perfect the way you practice, the better your practice becomes perfect. Get the lyrics on your phone, have the mp3 of the song you’re trying to learn easy-ready, sing the words throughout your day. More than you realize, these three things above will help restore your confidence and keep you from being a worship leader popsicle.  

How to Recover?

When making mistakes, do not draw attention to the error. It’s easy when your computer crashes to yell for help. When on stage…a different response to the help desk is needed. Act like it didn’t happen. The best way to recover is to have a better offense – not defense. If you stay proactive in what you are doing, you will be more able to absorb the shocks when they come. If you go into defense mode, you will stay too guarded and may appear nervous. The best attempt is to use what you know: get the lyrics down and stay the course.

“True confidence is in Christ, as you make melody by the heart.” @BranonDempsey


How to Lead Without Caving In

One of the biggest mental tools that helps me is to remember to expect the unexpected. You can practice and rehearse all you want, but if the speed bumps are coming, you gotta be prepared. Lead with confidence and by the assurance of Christ. In Psalm 28.7 we are reminded: “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped.” Lead with God in mind.

I tell myself before every service: “Lord this service belongs to you and is for you.” In making it my prayer, I also remember that the service is for the people to make it about God as well. “We can go to God with bold confidence through faith in Christ,” (Eph. 3.12). The Lord will be your confidence, even when you do feel like caving in, He will hold you up. Lead worship unto God, not unto man.

How to back up the good services?

That’s just it. You store into memory the good things and victories that you encountered and build on them – not the pitfalls. We dig deep and rely on the Rock. Jesus encourages us of where we should place our confidence and where we shouldn’t in Luke 6.48 “They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”

You want to build on the good things week after week. This powers-up your confidence as you are able to move forward. 2 Cor. 13.4 tells us: “We are weak with him, but by God’s power we will live for you with his help.” So don’t let these critical vocal errors leave you at a road block. Be redirected by the strength, confidence and rock-solid-trust of Jesus.

Theme of the week:

As you do your part in honoring your gift towards Him, He is able to use you more greatly. Develop your skill and honor God with your talents. Watch the engagement factor go up in your church as you watch the freeze factor going down.

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt

“Jesus” Song Tutorial: WATCH SHOW #54:

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