Thursday Show

The Role Of Prayer In Worship / CRAIG GILBERT 12-12-19

Prayer In Worship
Craig Gilbert / Thursday Training

The Role Of Prayer And Planning And Worship
Prayer prior to and in the midst of worship planning—many of us pray at some point, but there is another level of prayer in planning that not everyone strives to achieve.
Prayer in the worship space prior to worship—Covering the worship space in prayer as preparation for worship is underutilized in many worship traditions.
Saying thank you in prayer post service—Saying thank you is a lost art in culture. Saying thank you post worship is biblical and edifying.
Prayer for the congregation (and the worship team if that is not already part of your prayer life)—We pray for those we are in a relationship with and we should be in a relationship with those we lead, so, we should be praying for our congregations.

Guest Bio

Dr. Craig Gilbert is the founder and lead consultant of Purposed Heart Ministries. With over 25 years of experience leading and designing worship for churches of all sizes, Dr. Gilbert is a qualified expert in the area of worship renewal. A gifted speaker, teacher and writer with an international reputation, Dr. Gilbert has provided guidance to many churches across the country as well as personally instructing over 5,000 worship pastors and worship leaders from across the globe on a variety of congregational worship issues. Craig is a national faculty member of the National Worship Leader Conference, member of the Advisory Board of Worship Leader Magazine, former contributing editor to Worship Sound and Song Magazine, and founder and Director of worship leader training and development ministry.

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