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Your Purpose is Perfect (Show #5)


#PerfectPurpose (Video Below)

Most of the time we do not realize the outcome of our efforts. Even when we may feel otherwise, God is always working on something larger than you. This is exactly the point: it’s about what God is doing. It may not be the perfect place, but God is the one perfecting you through Jesus.

His purpose is more important than the place. It’s normal to encounter the differences of opinions and personalities in your job, ministry and family.

We are going to have demands made, projects that may seem towering and circumstances that may be uncomfortable. But through it all, God has placed us in our vocations for people. Why? Because of the same way God used people in your life to reach you.

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” – Frederick Buechner Does it really matter where God calls you to serve, or is it the very matter of what He is designing to accomplish through you? A funny thought occurred to me the other day.

I was visiting with a friend and they remarked about their ministry in saying: “Branon, tell me, why am I here?” At a shy glance, I re-asked them the same question: why they thought God put them there.

After fumbling through some thought, they replied, “I’m just not sure because I am so frustrated.” This dear friend was obviously going through some pressing issues in their worship ministry.

I listened and eventually came to this conclusion. God places you in a certain vocation at a certain time because He sees something that is only witnessed through other people: the effects of His will through your contribution.

[ctt template=”10″ link=”j5enC” via=”no” ]The purpose God placed you where you are, has to do with a greater purpose than yourself.[/ctt]   The Lord says this in Isaiah 43.6b-7: “Bring my sons from afar and my daughters from the ends of the earth — everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.”

He created man in his own image, he created you and I in this same image. Knowing this, we are to love our neighbor as ourselves (Mk. 12.31). The same price of mercy and sacrificed paid is the same transaction made on our behalf. Ministry is everywhere because it involves people.

Your vocation is not a stepping stone, but a ministry in which He is using you as a tool. Think about the ministry in which you belong. God has called you by your name and saved you. By the mercy of Christ, He also has the people in which you know, upon His mind and on His lips.

We serve the Lord in our ministries and vocations by faith. [ctt template=”10″ link=”nE_3k” via=”no” ]We serve Him as He completes the good work inside of us for the Kingdom.[/ctt] Minister to the people in your daily life and vocation, just as He created you in His image, in the love of Christ and for the sake of His glory. His purpose is the right place for you.

Reflection: You never know what kind of difference you make by a gentle smile or an encouraging word. Your good works in God do not go unnoticed. You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139) for ministry.

How has God placed you and gifted you to be His instrument? What are you doing to earnestly seek Him as you serve others (Heb. 11.6)?

@BranonDempsey  @worshiptt   Worship Team Training Mentoring @worshiptt Branon Dempsey http://www.worshipteamtraining.com/mentoring

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