Podcasts / Devotionals

Thy Kingdom Come (Show #10)


#ThyKingdomCome (Video Below)

Are you willing to let it all go? Greatness alone is not enough, unless it becomes God’s greatness. In our dreams to succeed or in the plans we desire to pursue, they will always fall short of God’s greatness. Unless the Lord builds the house, our laboring is in vain, so why are we trying to build our own kingdom apart from God?  

Israel Asks For A King (1 Sam 12.12 / Prov 2.10)

It’s not about what we want or is it? In 1 Samuel, Israel grew tired of having no king. The became very disgruntled, even to the point of refuting Samuel. This man of God was praying for the patience of Israel, but they were unwilling. No matter how Samuel tried to persuade the people, they would not listen.

Have you ever felt this way? God trying to keep you align in one way, but your eyes are fixed on another way? This happens to us all. But what if God really gave us the things that we desire – that are certainly not of His Kingdom? We think it’s greater on one side, but what we be the true outcome?

Samuel said he was going to pray for the nation. He encouraged them that if they followed the ways of  the Lord, they will be blessed. If they rebelled, they would be cursed. It’s funny, rather down right dangerous to perceive that our way is better. [ctt template=”10″ link=”bA7L5″ via=”no” ]The question is, who’s Kingdom is it anyway?[/ctt]

Samuel went on to say in 1 Sam 12.16: “Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!”  

Forsaking Our Kingdom (1 Cor 14.20 Lk 17.21)

Standing still is the hardest thing we can do. Plus, seeing things through His eyes. It requires patience, trust and faith to keep our feet from straying. We long to go to other paths, but they do not lead to wisdom, they lead to death. Proverbs 2.9 reminds us that when we seek [The Lord’s] wisdom, truly we will understand every good path. It’s not a matter of talk, it’s a matter of the power of God.

The true identity of a worshiper is one who can put himself/herself into God’s hands. It is the undeniable faith that says “Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done.” So how are we really spending the rest of our time here on earth? Jesus warned us in Lk 17.21 not to declare where we think the Kingdom is.

This is applicable to the way we see our own plans. “God is working here” God is working there” Anytime that is considered great is not to be prided by ourselves. It is better to be esteemed by someone else, not calling yourself, or your plans great. Greatness is found in the way God is moving through His people – His Kingdom – not through you alone.  

Seeking His Kingdom / Seeking His Greatness (1 Sam 12.16)

Are you willing to let go and allow His kingdom to reign over you? Over your dreams and over your desire? The fact that you have a flame to do something great comes from God – not from you. The fire he wants to build is for the glory of His Kingdom. This means our kingdom must burn and fall first, before we take up His will. 1 Sam 12.20-22 tells us to not turn away from the Lord and to serve Him with all of our hearts.

Our plans, dreams and goals can easily become idols, in which they cannot save us. Praise be to God for the sake of His great name, He will never leave us, for He is pleased to be called Our God. So we are to live as God’s people. We are to live as heirs to His Kingdom. Matthew 11:29: Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 1 Thessalonians 4:4: that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, Isaiah 1:17: learn to do right! Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Matthew 9:13: But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” In each of these passages, we see what we are to learn about God: His ways, his commandments, his standards, his justice and his mercy.

In each of these attributes, we also see a reflection as to who we are to be as leaders / followers in pursuing His Kingdom. When we truly seek the greatness of our God, we find the greatness of His Kingdom.  Samuel leaves us with these encouraging words in 1 Sam 12.24: “But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you.”

[ctt template=”10″ link=”fm58e” via=”no” ]How do we truly seek, work and trust by living in His Kingdom, not living for our own?[/ctt]

As we seek His Kingdom with a pure heart, we can praise Him with a true heart in signing: “I will praise you with an upright heart as I learn your righteous laws.” #Psalm119.7

What kingdom is God calling you to burn, what Kingdom is He calling you to help build? How can you allow yourself to let go of those things you hold so tightly? The very dreams you have come from God – not from you – are you letting Him have them? @BranonDempsey  @worshiptt  

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