Podcasts / Devotionals, Worship Theology

All To Him


2 min read

Made In His Image

If we are to lead others in worship, we must first be in worship to God. We are made to praise the Father. Handcrafted and perfectly assembled in His hands.

The Lord formed us out of brokenness, putting every piece back together to glorify Himself. Our leadership in Christ is not for us, but to help serve the Body of Christ.

“And He who formed us with this very end in view is God, who has given us His Spirit as a pledge and foretaste of that bliss.” 2Cor5.5In the making of this process, we experience joy, fulfillment and His tender mercies. “He made us, and we are his. We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm100.3 also Eph1.9He did not have to do this, but chose to do this because He loves us.

Therefore, we can stand in the assembly opening up our hearts and lifting our souls to Him in sung prayer. “From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly,” Psalm22.25The life of a worshiper is about life with God. Daily communion and a constant state of humility before His feet. Like a broken fragrance, we pour upon the feet of Jesus, yet He is the one who wipes away every tear and stain. Matt26.7-9“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things” Rev21.4[tweetthis]The life of a worshiper is about life with God[/tweetthis]

Song of the Week:
“All To Him” “All To Him” written by Jason Ingram, Jon Egan, and Mia Fields. Copyright 2012 SHOUT! Music Publishing, Integrity Worship Music, So Essential Tunes, Spirit Nashville Three, and Windsor Hill Music. 

Get the Full Track of Music Loops and Stems on Guide Tracks.co

Come To The Party

God daily calls us into His presence, but why is it that out of all the days of the week, we only pick one to meet Him? Jesus talked about this problem. He told the people about the parable of the king in Matt22.2-3. The king threw a big party and invited everyone to come.

Unfortunately, not everyone came. People evaluated the invitation, based on the idea if the party or the host was worth accepting. When the people he invited did not come, he opened up the party for everyone in the city. The room was then filled with all kinds of people.

This reminds me of the verse when Jesus said in Mark2.17 “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” He wasn’t calling the ones who were clean, but the unclean so they can be cleaned.

Are we really unworthy? Not everyone feels like they need to meet with God. It could be that they may look at themselves and think they are fine the way they are. They may think, that’s just for pastors and ministers. They may think, that they are too broken and unworthy to stand before God. In this last part above, the people are right. We are all unworthy to stand before God – pastor or not.

God is for all: the sick and healthy. What makes us worthy to stand before God, is His redemptive work through Christ. The forgiveness of sin and the offer of everlasting life. “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Heb4.16 Worship is an invitation, not an evaluation. We are not judged or measured when we stand before God. Christ has removed every sin and every curse. We agree with God of our sin.

We ask for forgiveness and repent by turning from our ways and turning to God. It is through Jesus, who makes us worthy to come before His throne. Even when we are unfaithful, He is still faithful. There’s nothing we can do to change who God is, as He is Sovereign, and His great unconditional love for us.


“Worship is an invitation, not an evaluation.” @BranonDempsey

We are thankful, and thankful to praise Because of what He has done (not us) we worship Him out of gratitude and joy. Each day we are made new, even on days when we don’t feel like it. In response to what God has done for us, we give “All To Him”, and our theme song this week suggests.

We owe all to Him because of all that He has done for us. Our relationship with God is not based on our feelings, but on Christ’s redemption. He loved us and gave His life as a ransom for many. 1Tim2.6 God is less concerned about where we came from, but rather, cares for our current state and where we are going.

Theme of the week: #AllToHim

Will You Come and Worship?

The King is already here and you are already invited into His presence. His invitation to worship Him comes with no prerequisite, regulation nor condition.

His invitation is not subjected to the one day / one hour of the week. 

Do you accept?

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt

Worship Team Training Mentoring @worshiptt Branon Dempsey http://www.worshipteamtraining.com/mentoringWTT Mentoring Program: Before you take your team to the next level, you need to be there yourself. Are you ready to step-up your leadership to better develop your ministry and equip your team? Let us help you discover where God is leading you, so you can lead others. Learn what God can do through you in our Mentoring Program.

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