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Thursday Show

#SteadfastLoveTime: 30m videoSteadfast LoveAs worshippers of Jesus, the most important commandment we have is to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love our neighbor as ourself (Mark 12:30-31). When we learn to love God and others through worship, we begin to understand the steadfast, never-ending love of God. This week’s guest is Sandra McCracken, who recently released her album Steadfast Live.  In it, Sandra gives an invitation to experience the steadfast love of God through songs of comfort and hope.Learn how to experience God’s steadfastSEE DETAILS


Podcasts / Devotionals, WTTU Special Public Post

#SteadfastLove2 min read | 30m ShowGod’s Love As a worshiper, do you ever question God’s love for you? Worship begins and ends with God.  Loving God and loving others is the greatest commandment, and worship at its core.As we learn to love God more, our response is worship to God. As God’s love flows through us to others, we spur one another one to worship together. Learn to lead worship through the love of God and people by His Word.10-24-17  WATCH SHOW #141 Also Watch Live by:  FacebookLive or Periscope  Spirit of LoveThe essence of ourSEE DETAILS