Leaders, Ministry Leadership, Worship Leading

It’s Not Up To You!

6-5-16#WorshipBeginsWithGod Does worship start with you or does it begin with God? While our intentions and efforts are good, it’s easy to think that we need to hold it all together.

However, if God our Creator and is Sovereign over all, so does He hold it all together in His Authority – our very existence, being, service and worship. As worship leaders and ministers of the church, we put a lot of prayer and effort into every service.

It is important to keep in mind that unless the Lord builds the worship and watches over our ministries, we labor and worship in vain (Ref. Psalm 127.1) The service does not depend on you, neither does your worship. Your leading and personal/corporate worship belongs to God.

Your position is not critical to do His work. His position in your life is more critical as He desires you and I to put Him first.

It takes the pressure off. When we humble ourselves to His leading, we find that worship and serving become a joy and not an obligation. Worship does not depend on you, worship begins with God.  When we allow the work of God to begin in us first, worship takes on a whole new meaning. The heart becomes washed, our souls become pure.

What was broken is healed, what was lost is restored, what was stained is forgiven. We sing out to the Lord a new song in all of His workings – this is why we sing (Ref. Psalm 96.1) Does He really care about the kind of songs we sing, or is He more concerned about the contrite melodies of our hearts? (Ref. Psalm 51.17) “Praise the Lord.

How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!”
– Psalm 147:1 It is good to praise the Lord, when He comes and makes our hearts right. In worship, we respond to what God has done, is doing and is about to do. The melody He sings over us, resounds in our hearts, we echo back to Him in sung prayer. “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.

He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” – Zeph 3.17
Personally, I don’t want to have in my heart, anything less of worth than what Christ has given me. Therefore, all I have to give to God is my entire being (Rom 12.1).

I can worship Him with a pure heart because His love cleanses me. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me (Gal 2.20). God gave you a voice, filled you with His Spirit and has chosen you to make melody of what He is doing. Be patient, even more patient; let God have your worship and service. Life in God among your personal family and household is your first line of ministry. How you lead your loved ones in worship – through your relationships – must come before you lead the church.

You are a minister everywhere you go, no matter if you are a lead or volunteer. God choose you to go and bear fruit, you need a position in the church to do this. Do the work of God, fulfill the calling He placed inside of you. Has he not chosen you to be Christ’s ambassador and to use your skill as a tool, as a purpose, as a mission? “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands,” – 2Tim 1.6 Be encouraged wherever you are in this point of life: God desires you to be led in His worship first – making your heart pure. As He uses you, He is making His work known.

Each of us are accountable to how we live our lives and use them to the service of the Lord. Nothing else can compare. We sing in faith to the Lord and bring into harmony about His beauty making us new. This is why we sing, why we worship because of what He’s done. Why we worship is because of who He is. Why we lead is because of Him of who we follow. Why we serve is because of Jesus who served and loved us first.

Living a life of worship begins in Christ first, ministry is secondary. The fact is, if God is the Initiator and Creator of all, and all existence responds back to Him in worship, then we can say that worship not only belongs to God, worship truly begins and ends with God.

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt 3-15-16__No-Post-toArticles-Widgets_Workshops

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