Worship Theology

The Irreplaceable Worship of God


Before you lead worship, are you asking God to lead you? You’re not alone, we lead every week in get trapped into the motions. How can God come and refresh your heart and spirit as He desires you to be led in His worship first?

We not only find our delight in the Lord, but we also find the substance of God in worship. After being led in His worship, what is the right way in leading His people? When we read about the life of Solomon, we read the life about a worship leader who sought the Lord over fame. Solomon did not want to be known for being rich, popular or to be a great king.

The one thing that He asked for God alone is something so simple yet so large that we often neglect or don’t seek enough: wisdom.  

The Wisdom of Worship
Hearing/Knowing God’s call: In 1 Kings 2, David hands the kingship of Israel over to his son Solomon. You would think that all the power of entitlement and nepotism would have gone to Solomon’s head. Think of your worship ministry and people. It’s not hard to envision how power can get in the way of ministry.

This was Solomon’s concern. In chapter 3 verse 9, out of everything Solomon could have asked for, he chose the wisdom of God. He said: “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong.” When was the last time you have prayed that prayer for your own leadership and over the worship service? Zech 13.9 says: “They will call on my name and I will answer them.” Especially at times of trial and weakness the Lord is near and desires our prayers; but are we first listening to His call? Asking God to lead the worship, service and people is one of the boldest prayers we can make.

It’s because we are allowing our hands to let go of the power. We are asking God for His guidance, so He may be glorified. Before we take our places on the stage, we need to be seeking the Lord on our knees. (James 1.5 and Psalm 105.4)  

The Confusion of Worship
What others call worship may not be the same thing God declares as worship. It is not confined to a song, it is not confined to a service, it neither confined by the walls of the church. Worship is a response to God. Worship begins and ends with God.

Worship cannot be contained, nor can it be captured or controlled. We can build the most awesome service, have the best equipment and most talented team – but is this not just the worship of man? Who are we to think that we can build anything greater than Solomon’s father David when he said: “But who is able to build a temple for him, since the heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him?

Who then am I to build a temple for him, except as a place to burn sacrifices before him?” 2Chron 2.6 We do not find worship in the things of the church and/or stage. We find worship in the Lord Himself, through His Word, the Holy Spirit, the work of the Gospel and the delight of the Father.

The true delight of true worship: “Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship, for they will walk in the light of your presence, LORD” – Psalm 89.15 “I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’ “- Isa 65.1  

The Object of Worship
Instead of placing our focus of the means of how we worship, our vision is to be fixed on the object of our worship which is God Himself. When I think of true worship leading, I envision the work of the Holy Spirit. We are but vessels of the Lord’s work.

However, when we get in the way and make ourselves visible, we become a stumbling block. There are other things that can replace the worship of God, we face them every day. The question is, how are we allowing God to work through us, to remove those distractions, to live holy lives and to allow His love and wisdom to work through us?

When we put our lives in the hands of Holy God, we have no other fear, there is no other pressure, there is no other expectation, there is no other complaint, there is no other comparison, there is no other way of life, than to be truly satisfied by our caring Father who provides every need and sustains our every existence.

This is why you do not need a stage, talent, instrument, platform, position, audio system and even church – to worship God – nor to have as your identity. Your identity comes from God alone in being His child. What we do with our skill, treasure and resources is an offering to Him – we are to give it away. (Matt 25.23) Why does God want our worship? Because He deserves it. Why should we ask for His leading?

Because He is a gracious Father, Who is able to give all things abundantly, in which we can totally rely and place our faith in His providence. Our dependence is on God, not ourselves. 2 Thes 2:3-5 warns us of not confusing worship, nor placing our dependence in other things:
“Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first,and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things?”Why we cannot allow the worship of God to be replaced: because true worship begins and ends with the One True God (John 4.23-25).

He is Spirit and Truth, thus should be our worship inside or outside of the church – in our daily walk – we are to discern the Holy Spirit and the Truth of His word. Worship Leaders, Singers, Musicians, Pastors, Audio-Tech, Dancers, Art Makers, Volunteers: When we ask for wisdom and seek His worship, we will never be without His presence, nor will the people be without His guidance, as God works through you.

Never Let The Worship of Worship Replace the God of Whom We Worship. @BranonDempsey @worshiptt Worship Team Training Workshops @worshiptt Branon Dempsey http://www.worshipteamtraining.com/workshops/

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