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Leaders, Worship Leading, Worship Planning
In a user-centric world we do Song Rotation That Helps Your Church Song Rotation That Helps Your Church Message Author: Every Sunday morning I have the incredible privilege to ask my church to do what Psalm 69:30 says. I ask them to praise God with a song. Before I do that, I have the responsibility of choosing what songs we sing. This is a weekly responsibility, but if I'm thinking of the bigger picture, it's a yearly responsibility. It's more than a set of songs. It's a rotation ofSEE DETAILS

Leaders, Ministry Leadership, Worship Leading, Worship Planning, Worship Theology
[md_image_box_slider image_box_slider_image="33562" image_box_slider_height="300" image_box_slider_size="cover" image_box_slider_hover="no" image_box_slider_hover_link="" image_box_slider_hover_link_target="_self" image_box_slider_effect_slider="fade" image_box_slider_speed="3000" image_box_slider_hover_effect="text" image_box_slider_hover_text_effect="light" image_box_slider_hover_text="Text Hover" md_image_box_slider_animation_type="fade" md_image_box_slider_animation_speed="200" md_image_box_slider_animation_delay="0.0" md_image_box_slider_animation_position="center" md_image_box_slider_animation_show="once" md_image_box_slider_animation_easing="Quart.easeInOut" md_image_box_slider_parallax_speed="1"][/md_image_box_slider] A Job Description For The Worship Musician/Leader  Psalm 33.3 “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy.” This simple verse outlines some pretty major responsibilities for the church musician. Let’s pick the verse apart and see what God is asking for… “SING TO HIM A NEW SONG…” Be Creative! If you think you’ve heard that popular worship song one too many times, imagine how many times God has heard it!SEE DETAILS

Leaders, Ministry Leadership, Worship Leading, Worship Planning, Worship Theology
[md_image_box_slider image_box_slider_image="33533" image_box_slider_height="300" image_box_slider_size="cover" image_box_slider_hover="no" image_box_slider_hover_link="" image_box_slider_hover_link_target="_self" image_box_slider_effect_slider="fade" image_box_slider_speed="3000" image_box_slider_hover_effect="text" image_box_slider_hover_text_effect="light" image_box_slider_hover_text="Text Hover" md_image_box_slider_animation_type="fade" md_image_box_slider_animation_speed="200" md_image_box_slider_animation_delay="0.0" md_image_box_slider_animation_position="center" md_image_box_slider_animation_show="once" md_image_box_slider_animation_easing="Quart.easeInOut" md_image_box_slider_parallax_speed="1"][/md_image_box_slider] Choosing Songs Biblically How to Choose Music for Worship :: A Biblical ModelSince 2001, I have been blessed to be part of the Harvest Bible Chapel movement of churches throughout North America. One of the many things I have appreciated about Harvest culture is its emphasis on unashamed worship.For many years I have practiced and taught the ‘numbering system’ for planning corporate worship.Anytime we lead people into worship we areSEE DETAILS

Worship Leading, Worship Planning, Worship Theology, WTTU Special Public Post

#GivingThanks 2 min read | 30m ShowThanks-GivingAs a worshipper, it is good to give thanks to the Lord! Yes, but how often do we go through an entire day and take everything we have for granted, without acknowledging that every good thing comes from the Father.Learn how to live a life of thanksgiving as we remember to daily stop and give thanks.11-21-17 WATCH SHOW #145  Thank YouWe worship God by the standard of Christ, not by the standard of the world. As following worshipers of God, we seek Him because He firstSEE DETAILS


Leaders, Worship Planning, WTTU Special Public Post

#WorshipMusicIsNot… 2 min read | 30m ShowWhat Is Worship Music? As a #worshipleader to get a clear picture of what worship is, it is important to identify what it is not. Learn five things that worship isn’t and how that affects your leading and planning.11-7-17 WATCH SHOW #143 #1 – It Isn’t Music TheoryThe purpose of our worship isn’t to teach musicianship or make great music. Learning to sing parts, follow a melodic line and internalize rhythms are all skills that can enhance our worship. But those skills are a means toSEE DETAILS