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Free Plan, Podcasts / Devotionals
  Scroll Down for Full Post MEMBER POSTWorship as OneEphesians 4:2-3; Ephesians 4:12-13; Psalm 133:1Worshiping together in unity can be difficult. God gave each of us unique ideas, gifts, thoughts and opinions. Disagreements about a particular direction to go as a church or how to worship can rip apart believers. How does a church, filled with differing opinions, worship together in harmony?The church body isn’t made up of brick and cement, an internet connection, or a phone. WE are the body of Christ, His church. The church is people madeSEE DETAILS

Podcasts / Devotionals
Rest In The Lord Branon Dempsey / Message me: branon@worshipteamtraining.comIt was a rough 2020, and hard to believe it's now 2021. Some are in the fire of pressure and have been knocked down and lost hope. 

Some have gone into quarantine, some like myself, have been isolated. 

But despite the flames around us, there is the opportunity to see purpose. Because when you have purpose, you understand that the fire was part of the plan to refine you as gold. 

I will share what I've learned for those still inSEE DETAILS

Free Plan, Podcasts / Devotionals
  Scroll Down for Full Post MEMBER POSTWorship Is Quality Time1 John 4:19; Psalm 18:2-3; Proverbs 29:25; Matthew 6:21The quality time that we put in to following God equals the way we lead the people of God inworship. Worship begins with God (1 John 4:19).We put our trust in God because we have hope in God. In His Word, we find refuge, in Hisgrace we find forgiveness, and in His mercy we find help for our time of need (Psalm 18:2-3).The Lord is gracious and compassionate. We must put ourSEE DETAILS

Free Plan, Podcasts / Devotionals
  Scroll Down for Post MEMBER POSTZephaniah 3:17; Psalm 30:5; Psalm 81:1There is nothing like the sound of the human voice. Like a fine-tuned cello, it ranges from rich deep tones to the high cascades of sweet melodies. More importantly, when joined with brothers and sisters, our voices become one in an amphitheater of corporate praise.In worship, I can become so moved by the voices that I stop singing. In awe before God’s beauty, I mouth the words, yet nothing comes out. My heart serenades a love song to the Lord, yet ISEE DETAILS

Free Plan, Podcasts / Devotionals
🔊 Sound On? Listen ⬇️   Worship Is What the Father Is SeekingHow does God find your worship? In looking at the life of David, he was not just the worship leader, but David was also the chief commander of the army (1 Chronicles 25:1). He was committed to worship as a means of national security.David knew the importance of worship preparation to fend off spiritual distractions, temptation, fear, doubt, and worry. Have you ever considered that our prayers, songs, and spoken words are strategic weapons of war against the enemy?DavidSEE DETAILS