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Thanksgiving Devotional / Branon Dempsey Giving God Our Worship Psalm 100:3; Lamentations 3:25; Proverbs 29:25; Isaiah 43:18-19Worship Is Giving ThanksWe worship God by the standard of Christ, not by the standard of the world. As following worshipers of God, we seek Him because He first sought us. We express our gratitude by saying, “Thank You.”A resentful or hardened heart cannot say, “Thank you” because it only looks at what one does not have.What we do have is all liberty, mercy, and grace through Christ. But for some, it can’t beSEE DETAILS

Thanksgiving Devotional New Thanksgiving: Devotional: Giving God Thanks Through Our Worship. Wishing all our WTTU Members and Friends a Happy Thanksgiving! CLICK TO READ Member Access Here! LOGIN / WATCH HERE! [md_textbox textbox_icon="icon-Cross" textbox_title="Get This Devotional!" textbox_heading="h5" textbox_description="Login Above" textbox_bg_color="#FFF" textbox_icon_color="rgb(80, 227, 194)" textbox_content_color="rgb(12, 38, 34)" md_textbox_animation_type="fade" md_textbox_animation_speed="200" md_textbox_animation_delay="0.0" md_textbox_animation_position="center" md_textbox_animation_show="once" md_textbox_animation_easing="Quart.easeInOut" md_textbox_parallax_speed="1"][/md_textbox] [md_splitBox sb_title_size="h3" sb_title="Monday Shows" sb_subtitle="Weekly on WTTU!" sb_desc="Videos by Branon Dempsey Topics cover worship life Relevant to worship ministry Member video shows correspond w/ WTT Podcast. Bonus content episodes included." sb_bg_color="rgb(233,233,233)" sb_text_color="rgb(12, 38, 34)" sb_image="31988" sb_alignment="sb-left" sb_height="400"SEE DETAILS