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Thursday Show

#CreativeWorshipTime: 30m videoLeft Brain vs. Right BrainAre you a right-brained, creative worship leader who is frustrated with having to also manage all of the administrative details of the worship ministry? Maybe you are a left-brained leader who struggles with creativity. How can you balance those two very distinct personality types, and yet do an excellent job in both areas?Join special guest Tony Guerrero to talk about this important issue, and hear some important suggestions for your senior pastor about to help you excel in your role. God shaped and moldedSEE DETAILS


Leaders, Ministry Leadership

#CreativeWorship2 min readMIXED MESSAGESWHAT WE SEE: JOB OPENING: Worship leader. Must sing and play guitar well, must know all the coolest songs, have spiky hair and cool trendy clothes. WHAT WE DON’T SEE: FINE PRINT: Must also administrate like crazy. Includes: booking musicians and sing- ers, organize and keep a music and lyric library, recruit and manage volunteers, request licenses and report copyrights weekly for all songs and videos, deal with personality conflicts and crises, select songs for themes, create charts, oversee large-scale projects and productions, direct a choir, maintain church musicalSEE DETAILS