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Thursday Show

#SIXHATSTime: 30m videoTOO MANY HATS As a worship leader, have you ever been asked about what you do during the week? We all know there are tasks to be completed and observe the end result. But, do we know about the hats worn behind the scenes that make what is public shine? Do we have a language to actually talk about these hats? There is no way to end your career in a church than to insist on wearing all the hats and being poor at helping others succeed. This does not meanSEE DETAILS


WTTU Special Public Post

#SixHats2 min read | 30m ShowWhat Do You Do, Exactly? Being a worship leader or musical ministry leader is a big job. As a worship leader, there is no faster way to end your career in a church than to insist on wearing all the hats and being poor at helping others succeed. This does not mean you are not great at your strengths. It means that the combination of what you do and what you do through others matters greatly in ministry. Get this, and you will last longer. Learn how to manageSEE DETAILS