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Thursday Show

#MusiciansForTheLord Time: 30m videoGiving the best to your drummerAs #worshipleader how do you get what you want from your #drummer? Learning how to speak the language and collaborate for the right groove and creativity can make all the difference. Don’t miss this Thursday’s Training Video with Carl Albrecht (Drummer for Paul Baloche). As worship musicians, it’s a great privilege to play music for the Lord. Our guest this week is worship musician Carl Albrecht, and in this article Carl shares an important message about our role as worship musicians. StirSEE DETAILS


Band, Drums, Leaders, Players, Singers, Vocal Team, Worship Leading, WTTU Special Public Post

#MusiciansForTheLord3 min read | 30m ShowPreparation Breeds Confidence As worship musicians, it’s a great privilege to play music for the Lord, but it often feels overwhelming and can lead to a lack of confidence. Our guest this week is worship musician Carl Albrecht, and in this article Carl shares an important message about our role as worship musicians and how with the proper preparation and leaning on the Spirit to guide us can bring the confidence we need. Gate KeepersI believe musicians and singers are the gate keepers to His presenceSEE DETAILS