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Thursday Show

#JonEganTime: 30m videoDon’t Walk AwayAs a Worship Leader, do you struggle with anxiety or depression? Ministry can be a very challenging profession, and dealing with things like depression or anxiety is more common than you may think. Join Jon Egan as we discuss this topic and also his new album Unveil. Learn how to deal with anxiety and depression while serving in the worship ministry, and how to keep from walking away from ministry in the midst of it.Also LISTEN to the Worship Team Training WTTU AUDIO PODCAST      5-9-19  WATCH SHOW:SEE DETAILS


Thursday Show

#DavidMannerTime: 30m videoMusic Over Worship?As a Worship Leader, do you struggle with keeping a good balance between music and worship? Does the music sometimes become more important than the worship?  Join David Manner as we discuss “10 Signs Your Music is Primary and Your Worship Secondary.” Learn how to recognize when things are out of balance in your ministry and music is more important than worship.Also LISTEN to the Worship Team Training WTTU AUDIO PODCAST       5-2-19  WATCH SHOW: DAVID MANNER!10 Signs Your Music is Primary and Worship Secondary1.  Right notes are alwaysSEE DETAILS



WHEN: Available Thursday, May 2, 2019 WHAT: Thursday Training: WTTU Members Only / Video Training + Companion Article #David MannerTime: 30m videoMusic Over Worship?As a Worship Leader, do you struggle with keeping a good balance between music and worship? Does the music sometimes become more important than the worship?  Join David Manner as we discuss “10 Signs Your Music is Primary and Your Worship Secondary.” Learn how to recognize when things are out of balance in your ministry and music is more important than worship. Join with Today’s Guest: David Manner  Are you a WTTU Member?SEE DETAILS


Thursday Show

#ArtistsAndShepherdsTime: 30m videoStay FlexibleAs a WorshipLeader, do you struggle when things don’t go exactly as planned?  If equipment fails, or people don’t show up, does it throw you in a tailspin? Flexibility is an important quality to develop and to always be ready for whatever circumstances come your way. Join with Today’s Guest: Alex Avila Learn how to stay flexible in ministry and be ready for any situation you find yourself in as a worship musician or worship missionary. Also LISTEN to the Worship Team Training WTTU AUDIO PODCAST       4-11-19  WATCH SHOW: ALEX AVILA!   FEATUREDSEE DETAILS



WHEN: Available Thursday, April 25, 2019 WHAT: Thursday Training: WTTU Members Only / Video Training + Companion Article#Alex AvilaTime: 30m videoStay FlexibleAs a WorshipLeader, do you struggle when things don’t go exactly as planned?  If equipment fails, or people don’t show up, does it throw you in a tailspin? Flexibility is an important quality to develop and to always be ready for whatever circumstances come your way. Learn how to stay flexible in ministry and be ready for any situation you find yourself in as a worship musician or worship missionary. Join with Today’sSEE DETAILS