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Piano, Players, Singers, Vocal Team

#MusicFromTheHeart Learn how to play charts the easy way. This post is geared for musicians who desire to learn by ear or improve their skills. Simply, it’s learning how to play simple by the chart. This is especially helpful for musicians who only play by sheet music and desire to learn how to play by ear. Together we will learn how to hear, see and feel the music – all by learning the basics of the chart.“Commit your way to the Lord;trust in him and he will do this: HeSEE DETAILS


Keyboard, Piano, Players

#PlaySkillfully (Music Lesson Video) The quality of a musician comes down to the care of their craft. Making music great unto the Lord is worthy of His praise, but if we are just making music without the love of Christ in our hearts, we are just making noise. Most often pianist tend to think in terms of hands and clefs. This would be bass and treble clef, left and right hand. When playing with the band, they come to a fork in the road. They try to play in bothSEE DETAILS