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Free Plan, Mentoring, Ministry Leadership, Podcasts / Devotionals, Worship Leading
You Are Not Alone. "Facing the Shadow" (New Book Coming) Hear Branon's heart and a preview of his new book (coming soon) "Facing the Shadow." Download this episode of “Breaking The Silence” as Branon Dempsey recently shared his journey – facing the shadow – from hurt to healing on Greg Williams’ Radio Show to 1.6 million listeners. Share and listen to this episode, as Branon tells his story for the first time.   Email Branon: 📲 📩 Worship Team Training® Copyright 2020Podcast / @WorshipTT @BranonDempsey #WTTU Worship Team Training Author Bio Branon DempseySEE DETAILS

Leaders, Mentoring, Ministry Leadership, Worship Leading, WTTU Special Public Post

#HighlyEffectiveWorshipLeader4 min read | 30m ShowHow Effective Are You?As worship leaders, we want to be active and effective, not passive and deficient. We have a team to lead, a church to nurture and God – to give Him glory. It’s easy to look at the failures, but the Lord would rather us look to His victory. What does it mean to you in conquering the struggles, and what would this mean to your ministry and church?3-14-17 WATCH SHOW Is it just a habit?I think that anyone who wants to be aSEE DETAILS


Leaders, Mentoring, Worship Leading

Mentoring Reflections / Kelly Sundsvold #NoShowBoat (Video Below) “Wow, she just killed that solo on Sunday!” or “His voice is amazing, he really brought it!” He brought what? His Bible? The Holy Spirit? And what was “killed”? The guitar? Was there a tragedy on the stage? Have you heard these phrases thrown around in the worship community? They may be just phrases said to encourage the person leading the song, but where do they point people’s attention: to God or to people? Our songs can’t bring Jesus, He’s already present, areSEE DETAILS


Mentoring, Podcasts / Devotionals

Mentoring Reflections / Neil Baker#WorshipDevotionalWorship Leaders: Are you spending enough time in prayer? Our prayer time with the Father is the most valuable time of our day. If we are too busy to pray, then we need to determine what can be removed to allow time with God. The same can be said about our focus of worship – what is in the way? Recently, my wife and I began a diet.  We wanted to start a new healthy path in life.  As we researched the different diet plans we discovered thatSEE DETAILS