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Band, Bass, Drums, Guitar, Leaders, Piano, Players, Singers, Vocal Team, Worship Leading

#WhatABeautifulName (Video Below)3.5 min readBring Out The Best!As a worship leader, musician and singer, you want the best from your band. But how do you get it? It’s easy for us to think that we are “ok,” but deep down you know things are not ok. So what are some ways you can hack the greatest sound, the greatest playing and the greatest leadership of your team?Think about it this way: your team is a unit of talent. They are not just independent individuals. Your band is a unified frontSEE DETAILS


Band, Bass, Drums, Players

#CallUponTheLord (Video Below)4 min readDo You Hear What I Hear?How do we call upon the Lord by making a great sound by our instruments and hearts? Before we call on God, are we listening to Him first? Music is not confined to the notes on a page, but it overflows from the heart and soul of the musician/vocalist. No, worship band sound alike, so how are we destined to be different in order to be full of color and musical diversity? Developing our skills in listening, will help the way weSEE DETAILS


Band, Drums, Leaders, Players, Worship Leading

#WeakMadeStrong This post is a response to one of our awesome WTT friends…he asked the question: “What if your drummer is your ‘weakest link’? I.E., it’s hard to sync up with a drummer with poor time and limited patterns. Just wondering how this works out in the “real world.”” – WTT friend Our friend just said it best, here’s a few phrases I picked up: “Weakest Link” “Limited Patterns” “The Real World.” This maybe what you have, here’s what you can do about it! There’s no doubt, trying to helpSEE DETAILS


Drums, Leaders, Players, Worship Leading

#SimpleIsBetter Is your music too busy? How do you go about fixing it? “For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises in a skillful psalm and with understanding.” #Psalm47.7 Simple is better. Skillfulness is even greater. (…)  Like when the other person is texting, the long pregnant pause builds. You’re waiting. Finally…they leave. Nothing happened…it was meaningless. Doesn’t the same happen to us musically? How can we better communicate as musicians by making the simple better? This article is dedicated to worship leaders and drummers in how theySEE DETAILS


Drums, Players

How To Simplify the DrumsWho’s the most expensive drummer in the world? Ringo Starr of course. Why? Because he just plays the song. He keeps it simple. Can your drummer do this? The most basic effort is keeping the band together. It’s a servant role of being a minister of time and groove. Note: the drummer is not an independent leader, but an interdependent team player.If they can play a straight tempo on 2 and 4, more than half their job is accomplished. It’s not by flash or crash, butSEE DETAILS