Leaders, Podcasts / Devotionals, Worship Leading

Worship Is Not Just Sunday

6-12-16#WorshipEveryday As a leader of worship, you don’t need a stage to be somebody. You already are who God has created you to be. The question is, how are you living it, singing it and leading it before God and people? Did you know that your leading worship even before you hit the doors of the church, and especially, when you leave? Worship begins and ends with God.

Where does it go in the in-betweens? God leads you to lead others in the song of the Holy Spirit. God must begin in us first, before we can respond 1John 4‬.19 says:  “We love because he first loved us.” If our growth of worship only occurs in the one 90 minute per week event, then we are losing the other 9,990 minutes of life!

Leading worship begins by following Him first.
“He determines the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names. … He tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names.” ‪- Psalm 147‬.4 “The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.” ‪- John 10‬.3 If God so calls us out of creation, we are to respond by the kind of lives we live, not confined to the songs we sing.

Are we hearing His voice, reading His word, and obeying His call? We praise God through song, but we live life through Jesus. Everyday, I fix my attention in reading and responding to the Word of God: worshiping at His footstool.

When I lead on Sunday, I am able to draw from my Monday through Saturday experience. Evermore so, the people I am in touch with daily, brings me more into the connection with them. Like Jesus said: “the sheep listen to His voice.”

This is true for us as leaders, we need to know the voice of God as He is our Shepherd. Out from this, we are helpers of His flock to tend the sheep. If they do not know us, they will not know our voice.

“Everyone will know that you are my disciples because of your love for each other.” ‪- John 13‬.35

  Worship is everyday, not just Sunday.   

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt

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