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Band, Drums, Players

#WorshipingDrummer4 min readKnock, Knock…How do you know when a drummer is knocking at your door? Answer: The knocking speeds up! … or slows down! OR, maybe both! Sorry gang, I just had to throw that in there. It’s one of the many drummer jokes that we get bombarded with. But may it not be true of you! So, how do we avoid the problem of shifting tempo? How can you get your time rock steady? You’ve guessed it; today’s discussion is about the famous “click track.” A term used toSEE DETAILS


Band, Guitar, Leaders, Players, Singers, Voice, Worship Leading

Workshop Your TeamMove Beyond the MusicWhat are some of the challenges in your worship team? Do they attend all rehearsals? Do they know their music? Can they play well together? Can they lead confidently? You may not realize, but you are not alone. 90% of all churches in America struggle with these common issues. So how do you help your team get to the top 10%? In our Worship Team Training Workshops, we work with hundreds of worship teams and leaders. Each of them have their own challenges. We bringSEE DETAILS


Guitar, Leaders, Players, Worship Leading

#LeadFromGuitar3 min readThe Guitar-Playing Worship LeaderAs a guitar player, do you ever feel inadequate about leading worship with your guitar? Playing guitar is one thing, but adding in the element of leading a congregation adds a whole other dimension and host of issues to work through. Have you ever noticed that some people seem comfortable with their instrument, while others seem to be fighting with it or even hiding behind it? Have you seen the guitarists who have so many gadgets and foot pedals that it looks like they’re preparingSEE DETAILS


Band, Leaders, Ministry Leadership, Players, Songwriting, Worship Leading, WTTU Special Public Post

#CookieCutterWorship 2 min read | 30m ShowBreaking The MoldAs a worship leader or worship team members, it is easy to get discouraged by comparing your team to others. It seems like performance driven services/churches are popping up everywhere on social media. People stream their favorite worship leader/singers in the spot light. Churches rave and market their worship services like a concert. There seems to be this rush to “come to our church to worship.”“Has the performance driven cookie-cutter model got the Church into trouble? Do you also feel judged when youSEE DETAILS


Band, Drums, Leaders, Players, Singers, Vocal Team, Worship Leading, WTTU Special Public Post

#MusiciansForTheLord3 min read | 30m ShowPreparation Breeds Confidence As worship musicians, it’s a great privilege to play music for the Lord, but it often feels overwhelming and can lead to a lack of confidence. Our guest this week is worship musician Carl Albrecht, and in this article Carl shares an important message about our role as worship musicians and how with the proper preparation and leaning on the Spirit to guide us can bring the confidence we need. Gate KeepersI believe musicians and singers are the gate keepers to His presenceSEE DETAILS