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Band, Drums, Piano, Vocal Team, Voice

Ideas to Refresh Your BandDoes it seem like the music in your church is stuck on repeat mode? Here are 21 things your team can do to make your music sound fresh again. The major impact of song is found in the details. Surprise yourself of what a little tweaking can do to switch-up your vocals and band.   1. Begin the song by developing a fundamental groove. This comes from bass and drums which will underpin the entire song. Get the guitars and piano out of the way. LetSEE DETAILS


Band, Keyboard, Piano, Players

#PlayingThrough A Song Tutorial: 15m videoUnderstanding SectionsAs a band, paying attention to the little details is our job in order to contribute toward making a big difference. We play by what we hear, not to create a big wall of sound, but to become better musicians in Christ. Music really begins through the act and art of listening. Learning to listen produces patience. Check out this companion #RePost: How To Re-Arrange Your Music Whether we look at a sheet of music or hear the instruments/singers making music, we listen to theSEE DETAILS


Band, Bass, Drums, Guitar, Leaders, Piano, Players, Singers, Vocal Team, Worship Leading

#WhatABeautifulName (Video Below)3.5 min readBring Out The Best!As a worship leader, musician and singer, you want the best from your band. But how do you get it? It’s easy for us to think that we are “ok,” but deep down you know things are not ok. So what are some ways you can hack the greatest sound, the greatest playing and the greatest leadership of your team?Think about it this way: your team is a unit of talent. They are not just independent individuals. Your band is a unified frontSEE DETAILS


Piano, Players

#Aftermath (Video Below)4 min readPain In The PianoAs a worship leader or band member, do you ever wonder how you can help develop the listening skills of your pianists? Let’s face it. Pianists are one of the most skilled musician you have on your team. They enter life, learning piano by the age of five. From scales to Minuets, from recitals to a Degree in Piano performance. However, when it comes to playing of the chart and improvising, this skill is underdeveloped. How do you help them raise the bar? Pianists areSEE DETAILS


Leaders, Piano, Players, Worship Leading

#1000Tongues (Video Below)4 min readTaming the One Man BandAs a worship leader, you want your band to sound full. As musicians and singers, you want your music to flow. Making music unto the Lord brings joy, so how can we enrich the sound of our band, and what does this mean for piano and keyboard players? Most piano and keyboard players, but not all, come from a classically trained background; hymns and classical piano sonatas are most common from their music experience. Because of the nature of typical piano musicSEE DETAILS