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“7 Ways To Keep Them Singing” / Branon Dempsey

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Keep Them Singing

Help Them Worship!
The human voice is the most basic instrument known to man. We have the ability (some more than others) to match pitches, sing notes and produce astounding effects. Singing matters to people, but sing means and matters a whole lot more to God.
As leaders, it’s our responsibility to help engage the people, so they may connect their hearts and their voices to God. But what makes people sing? What makes the stop singing? Could it be something that they identify with in the music or lyric? Could it be a longing and willingness to join in the symphony of mass sound? Could it be that music is too loud, or the key of the song is too high? What causes one person to sing, may not be true for the next person. What they both have in common is a desire to connect, along with the ability to participate.
Let it be known, there is nothing more worshipful, than the whole church praying and singing. In our Weekend Workshops we teach the basic skills to advance concepts to keep your church singing. As a Worship Leader, know the basics of scales. This system provides a singer/musician to explore range, development and quality in a piece of music.
Even if your church is not a master musician or polished singer, they posses the ability to determine what they like and what they don’t like. Therefore, what they choose to sing is based on what they hear. Your role as a worship leader is to help your church follow the Holy Spirit.
Your role as a music leader is to help your people sing. Much of this depends on your knowledge of music and your wisdom to stay spiritually connected to God.
Qualities such as key and pitch are dependent upon the overall appeal, mood and framework of a song. The adverse effects hinders the participation of church worship. Depending on a person’s given range, they sing in variations of scales and keys. When pushed too high or too low, a person will have difficulty in mechanically producing notes to sing.
Making music involves listening. Don’t do all the talking, do more listening to your church. If you were in a verbal in-person dialogue with another individual, you would expect to have a conducive dialogue. Listening, understanding and speaking are three essential keys to great conversation.
Wouldn’t it block you to participate in a dialogue if the other person spoke in a different language? Would it bother someone if they did not know what you were saying? Learning to listen is also learning to speak.
In the role of the worship leader, it is much more effective for the leader to adapt to the congregation in picking the keys of songs. How does one do this? The leader needs to be in tune with the congregation. Knowing the ability, age and gender, also style of what the people can sing is mandatory.
Go back through your song list and ask these questions: Which song did they seem to participate the most? What key was the song? Was the song in fast, slow or medium in tempo? Was the song familiar and how often was it sung? Where was the song placed in the service? Lastly, did people smile and appear that they enjoyed the song or did they frown and look at the ceiling tiles? You have to know who is singing with you. Click here to get a Worship Team Training Workshop
The time of worship through song is to be an experience where people can connect without distractions. Singing too high (and/or too low), or at least over long durations of time will only force people to stop singing. The same is true if the leader sings songs that are rhythmically challenging and/or too fast for the people.
The average Joe does not sing as much or hardly at all in comparison to those in music ministry. The typical human voice does not have the same stamina or range as an experienced singer. We should not expect our people to jump over the same bar as professionals. When congregations experience difficulties of range, key and tempo, they may feel inclined to strive for the song, as if they have to work in order to keep up. After being tired of working, who would want to sing? At this point, they close their mouths and begin to simply spectate.
People connect through both singing and listening, but there is something special about the reciting words of praise and Scripture. There is a deep joy that is derived when you tell someone how much you love them and are thankful for their friendship. The joy of reciting these words to the Lord is even more so. Unfortunately, we can easily take that opportunity away from folks when we do not musically meet them where they are.
Ephesians 4.12 tells us to edify the church in equipping the saints. When our congregation is able to participate and unite as one, we have done our job as leaders. This does not mean that every single person will respond in the same way, but it does mean that there is a presence of a concentrated focus.
What is expected from the worship leader is their preparedness, leadership ability, vocal clarity and a spiritually engaging demeanor. The leading of worship about God and His people, and we must make every effort to help our church worship. The congregation desires to connect with God. There is nothing more unique, nothing more intimate and nothing more personal than the beauty of the human voice. The worship leader and team have the responsibility to help people worship, having the right preparation makes all the difference.
“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” – Rm 14.19
(C)2019 @BranonDempsey @worshiptt
Author Bio

Author Bio

Branon Dempsey is the founder and CEO of Worship Team Training and Worship Team Training University He has over twenty years of leading worship and teaching worship theology, music and songwriting for churches ranging from 500 to 5,000 members. He has had the opportunity to train and study worship at Maranatha! Music as well as some of the most well-known churches in the country, including Coast Hills Church, and Saddleback Church, where Rick Warren is pastor. Branon Dempsey holds an M.Div in Worship Theology and Worship Arts, along with a Bachelors of Music in Composition and Performance, along with an emphasis in worship leader training by Maranatha and Integrity Music. Branon is a devotional writer for Youversion and selling author / teacher with Faithlife (Logos Bibles) for worship teaching and training material. WTTU exists to help individuals understand their personality, their learning style and their spiritual maturity, which, in turn, helps the individuals sharpen their quality development and gain the needed confidence to reach the upward call of God in Christ Jesus Ephesians 2:10 and Philippians 3:14. Follow Branon: @BranonDempsey @worshiptt

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