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POWER TRAIN, PT Worship Leading
Leading Worship - Vocals Never Run Out of Musical Space Again!No more rushing and squeezing to get out every word in time before the song ends. Take your time and let the music do the work for you!Make SpaceBe relaxed and make space as you sing. The more you learn and know the music, the more creativity you can make: dynamics, spaces and timing.Worship & WordsBe in worship and prayer before you start. Know the words you sing.Be In Their ShoesThink about where your people are in the moment. MakeSEE DETAILS

[md_imagebox_full imagebox_title="Making Vocal Space" imagebox_heading_size="h6" imagebox_description="Vocally, do you ever feel like you are running out of room? Rushing and squeezing out every word in time before the song ends - just to be tired in the end? Look no further, sit down and take a music load off to make worship leading more spacious and enjoyable with this PowerTrain!" imagebox_general_color="#ffffff" imagebox_text_height="300" imagebox_alignment="left" imagebox_use_background="yes" imagebox_background="36083" imagebox_overlay="yes" imagebox_overlay_color="rgba(60, 1, 1, 0.64)" imagebox_button="yes" imagebox_button_style="fade-square" imagebox_button_text="CLICK TO WATCH" imagebox_button_icon="icon-play-curve" imagebox_button_color="#fff" imagebox_button_text_color="#fff" imagebox_button_bg_hover_color="#9b9b9b" imagebox_button_hover_color="rgb(103, 103, 103)" imagebox_button_size="standard" imagebox_left_right_padding="0" imagebox_button_url="" imagebox_button_target="_self" md_imagebox_full_animation="yes" md_imagebox_full_animation_type="fade" md_imagebox_full_animation_speed="400" md_imagebox_full_animation_delay="0.0"SEE DETAILS