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Podcasts / Devotionals
For the Long Haul... COMPANION ARTICLEThe Misconceptions of How to Stay in the Game Branon Dempsey2 Part Article Series BelowAs a Worship Pastor or Leader, do you struggle trying to keep current with all of the changes happening around you? You're not alone. We all face tough questions that influence us to change. What if I’m no longer relevant? What if I can’t keep up? What if I cannot be more effective? What if I lose my job? Learn from these misconceptions below - how not to quit early, but to staySEE DETAILS

[md_imagebox_full imagebox_title="Game Theory: 'How To Stay In The Game' | Podcast Ep. 216" imagebox_heading_size="h6" imagebox_description="Are you walking in the full, or running on empty in your worship ministry? You must do these 10 sure things to stay in the game for the long haul." imagebox_general_color="#ffffff" imagebox_text_height="300" imagebox_alignment="left" imagebox_use_background="yes" imagebox_background="35494" imagebox_overlay="yes" imagebox_overlay_color="rgba(128, 75, 2, 0.72)" imagebox_button="yes" imagebox_button_style="fade-square" imagebox_button_text="CLICK TO WATCH" imagebox_button_icon="icon-play-curve" imagebox_button_color="#fff" imagebox_button_text_color="#fff" imagebox_button_bg_hover_color="#9b9b9b" imagebox_button_hover_color="rgb(103, 103, 103)" imagebox_button_size="standard" imagebox_left_right_padding="0" imagebox_button_url=" " imagebox_button_target="_self" md_imagebox_full_animation="yes" md_imagebox_full_animation_type="fade" md_imagebox_full_animation_speed="400" md_imagebox_full_animation_delay="0.0" md_imagebox_full_animation_position="center" md_imagebox_full_animation_show="once" md_imagebox_full_animation_easing="Quart.easeInOut" md_imagebox_full_parallax_speed="1"][/md_imagebox_full] Member Sign In LOGIN HERE! [md_textbox textbox_icon="icon-microphone" textbox_title="Get This MondaySEE DETAILS