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Thursday Show
How Are You Hearing From God? ARTICLE / SHOW NOTESWhat is the most important thing we can do today to help us listen for and discover God’s heart for our lives and His new songs for our churches?What are 3 take-aways that we can begin doing immediately to help us become better songwriters?How do I find purpose in writing my songs if they never reach a world platform?  You talk about co-writing but I’m an introvert and a novice. Any advice?How can I best choose a co-writer who will workSEE DETAILS

[md_imagebox_full imagebox_title="Songwriting In The Church | Krissy Nordhoff" imagebox_heading_size="h6" imagebox_description="What is the key for writing good songs that can unlock the door to success? There is no magic bullet. If you want to get serious in your songwriting, you need to first get serious with God. Learn to write the words and melodies He is singing. Are you listening to what He has to say?" imagebox_general_color="#ffffff" imagebox_text_height="300" imagebox_alignment="left" imagebox_use_background="yes" imagebox_background="35435" imagebox_overlay="yes" imagebox_overlay_color="rgba(212, 249, 4, 0.29)" imagebox_button="yes" imagebox_button_style="fade-square" imagebox_button_text="CLICK TO WATCH" imagebox_button_icon="icon-play-curve" imagebox_button_color="#fff" imagebox_button_text_color="#fff" imagebox_button_bg_hover_color="#9b9b9b" imagebox_button_hover_color="rgb(103, 103, 103)" imagebox_button_size="standard" imagebox_left_right_padding="0" imagebox_button_url="SEE DETAILS