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Thursday Show
After COVID-19 Where are we going? Hope (and Strategy) Through a Pandemic Like most of you, I have many friends on social media saying how hard they’ve been hit by the pandemic. It’s heartbreaking to know that so many small businesses, entrepreneurs, and every-day people are spiraling downward.It’s heartbreaking to know so many families are not only grappling with fear of getting sick (or worse), but also fear of losing everything. I won’t pretend I have the answers or that I don’t face my own version of this reality, butSEE DETAILS

[md_imagebox_full imagebox_title="BROCK SHINEN | “THE CHANGE OF CHURCH AND WORSHIP”" imagebox_heading_size="h6" imagebox_description="How will this new/post COVID-19 era affect worship leaders, pastors, worship teams and songwriters? Find out what this also means for the very people we are leading and to overcome in this new era." imagebox_general_color="#ffffff" imagebox_text_height="300" imagebox_alignment="left" imagebox_use_background="yes" imagebox_background="34930" imagebox_overlay="yes" imagebox_overlay_color="rgba(1, 4, 60, 0.56)" imagebox_button="yes" imagebox_button_style="fade-square" imagebox_button_text="CLICK TO WATCH" imagebox_button_icon="icon-play-curve" imagebox_button_color="#fff" imagebox_button_text_color="#fff" imagebox_button_bg_hover_color="#9b9b9b" imagebox_button_hover_color="rgb(103, 103, 103)" imagebox_button_size="standard" imagebox_left_right_padding="0" imagebox_button_url="" imagebox_button_target="_self" md_imagebox_full_animation="yes" md_imagebox_full_animation_type="fade" md_imagebox_full_animation_speed="400" md_imagebox_full_animation_delay="0.0" md_imagebox_full_animation_position="center" md_imagebox_full_animation_show="once" md_imagebox_full_animation_easing="Quart.easeInOut" md_imagebox_full_parallax_speed="1"][/md_imagebox_full] Member Sign In LOGIN HERE! [md_textbox textbox_icon="icon-video-camera" textbox_title="Watch This ThursdaySEE DETAILS