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Band, Drums, Piano, Vocal Team, Voice

Ideas to Refresh Your BandDoes it seem like the music in your church is stuck on repeat mode? Here are 21 things your team can do to make your music sound fresh again. The major impact of song is found in the details. Surprise yourself of what a little tweaking can do to switch-up your vocals and band.   1. Begin the song by developing a fundamental groove. This comes from bass and drums which will underpin the entire song. Get the guitars and piano out of the way. LetSEE DETAILS


Band, Guitar, Leaders, Players, Singers, Voice, Worship Leading

Workshop Your TeamMove Beyond the MusicWhat are some of the challenges in your worship team? Do they attend all rehearsals? Do they know their music? Can they play well together? Can they lead confidently? You may not realize, but you are not alone. 90% of all churches in America struggle with these common issues. So how do you help your team get to the top 10%? In our Worship Team Training Workshops, we work with hundreds of worship teams and leaders. Each of them have their own challenges. We bringSEE DETAILS