Thursday Show

Chris Vacher | “Nine Ways Not To Fail”


3 min Read | Time: 30m video

Making Wins From Failures

As worship leaders, we desire things to be great for God and great for people in the worship service. But what if things don’t go so great?

How do you get unstuck from the moment and make it a win for you and your team? Failure is inevitable, but through it all, God teaches us life learning lessons to turn impossibilities into successful realities.

Learn nine ways to help you not to fail, in order for you to make it a win.  


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Nine Ways Not To Fail Scripture Lesson from Proverbs 27: 1-9

1. Don’t brag about your ministry.

No matter who is on your team, what songs you’ve done or technology you may have, it doesn’t guarantee you anything. Keep your focus on today. Keep your humility on the things God gave you, because all that we have anyway, is not even ours, it belongs to Him. 1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.  

2. Don’t talk-it-up about your gift/talent.

You may have skill, but God did not give it to you to compare to others. He gave it to you to share with others. It’s great to have talent, but not when pride overshadows the gift and purpose of what God intends you to do with it. Therefore, don’t talk about how great you are. It’s better to let others see your humility and talk about how great God is. 2 Let someone else praise you, and not your own mouth; an outsider, and not your own lips.  

3. Be humble and be wise.

The best kind of leader or team is one who doesn’t look for the spot light. Rather, they look for the right spot to serve, in order to shine the light on someone else. At the same time, they don’t sweat the small stuff. They keep the right focus because they don’t make it about themselves, therefore, they keep their words few. 3 Stone is heavy and sand a burden, but a fool’s provocation is heavier than both.  

4. Don’t let anger eat your lunch

It’s too easy to slip into envy or jealousy, but all this does is sap your time, suck your energy and drain you spiritually. Don’t give Satan a foothold. Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure. It’s the result of experiencing irritation over a defeat or loss; especially over something that was said or done. We are also human. We are also responsible in how we handle our emotions. It’s not so much the hurt, as it is what we do with it and how we handle it. 4 Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?


5. Be open to correction and constructive criticism.

You don’t know it all. No matter what you’ve learned, you’re not finished yet. No one has mastered it. So take a step back, be humble and learn what someone is trying to show you. God may have them in your path for a reason – so seek it out. It’s better to learn from criticism in order to be wise, than it is to harbor arrogance and to become a fool. 5 Better is open rebuke than hidden

6. Give permission – to yourself and to others.

It’s ok to make a mistake, It’s also better to let others help you. It’s much easier to allow yourself to make an error, rather than to fight it and it makes a bigger mess. At the same time, allow your friend/spouse/family member to help you get out of the mud. The pain may hurt for a moment, but that moment is also temporary. What you learn in the meantime far outweighs the grief. Good counsel will help guard you as you move ahead. 6 Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.  

7. Tend to your own ministry

Focus on our church – not someone else’s, nor compare yourself to anyone else. God has placed you where he wants you to grow. You can’t grow, if you are desiring to be in another place. Tend to your own garden, relationships and ministry. Then you will experience the fruit He desires to produce. 7 One who is full loathes honey from the comb, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet.  

8. Be at home with loyalty and commitment.

It’s better to be content with who and what you have, rather than comparing to be somewhere else. Most worship leaders and pastors I’ve heard, express their desire to be at another ministry. This is the “grass is always greener” factor. However, if your grass is not as green, then water your own lawn. Care for your fields and love your people, because in the end, God is making a lasting impact. At the same time, you are learning more from God about who He is and how He is making you to be. It’s more about the moment, than it is about making a movement. 8 Like a bird that flees its nest is anyone who flees from home.

9. Let joy come from the heart.

When you walk in the friendship of good counsel, you will not have a need to run against the winds of adversity. It’s amazing what a cheerful word can do, like a good fragrance that is pleasant to the soul. When you find yourself in times of trouble, don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. Finding the right person can make all the difference in helping you see things from another perspective. When joy does come, it reminds you of God’s victorious provision; it also helps you keep you focused on the next goal ahead. 9 Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.  


When you do experience that next win, be humble and meek, share the joy with others, learn how you got there, and keep that wisdom close to your heart. Guard the Word of God in your heart and keep His commands as the apple of your eye. Like success, we will also face defeat; but learning from failure and our own vulnerabilities, we will have a better perspective and a better handle to not repeat those same mistakes again. As a result, we become wiser at every step, and learn how to make a personal win for ourselves – and our teams.

@BranonDempsey @worshiptt  

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